His Butler, Memories Fading

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Lucy looked down with sad eyes, Sebastian felt a little pitty for the child. She didn't look very happy but then again, ever since he had seen that child, she had that sad look in her face.

                     He left her room for a little and came back with a buffet tray. She looked at it in awe. She took a piece of cake and ate it with a weary face indicating she was worn out and tired. 

              But never the less, she kept eating, she ate until tears ran down her face.

                And at that time Sebastian moved the buffet tray and took her plate. She started coughing up blood, because the food had cut her throat. Sebastian got a handkerchief and covered her mouth. She clung to Sebastian's arm as the blood kept coughing up.

                     When she stopped coughing, Sebastian lightly helped her into her new bed. He put his hand on her head, she has a high fever. She then started repeating "I'm sorry.......I'm sorry.......rry.......sorr.....im....."

             Sebastian smiled for a moment and then told her it was alright,  with a satisfied smile because he knew she wouldn't try to escape her new home, and it would be easier to assign her to a job since he knew she would not lack, or at least try not to lack.

                      But for now he knew she had to sleep for a while, since sleep was the best medicine for humans. He was just about to tell her she should sleep, when he turned around and saw she was knocked out cold.

                   He sighed and went into the kitchen, he grabbed rag and soaked it in cold water. He then returned to Lucy's room and silently put it on her head.

                He then headed off to his masters study, so he could tell him that Lucy would not be starting her new job tomorrow.

            When Ciel found out he immeadiatly sighed. " What about her throat, you said she cut it, did you not?" Sebastian then replied " Why yes, would I lie to you?"

                           Ciel then glared a bit, but he sighed and massaged his shoulders, which were killing him.

                  When Sebastian left the study, Ciel sat quietly and tried to massage his shoulder's but instead, ended up making them more sore. About an hour past and Ciel still hesitantly attempted to massage his shoulders.

                          Little did he know Lucy had woken up and was watching him attempt to fix the pain in his shoulders. He closed his eyes and Lucy snuck into his study while his eyes were closed and hesitantly started to massage his shoulders

           . He opened his eyes in shock, as he turned enough to see that it was the girl he had just hired, he started to realise that she was a good masseuse and then started talking in mumbles " Where did you learn how to massage like this?" She quietly replied

             " I was forced to learn how to massage as well as many other chores to keep the old mens mansion in tip top shape." Ciel closed his eyes and sighed with a face showing a little pain as she broke up a knot in his neck.

                          They were both quiet for about 10 minutes until Ciel finally said " Your name is Lucy right? Scratch out maid for a while, you're going to be the manors masseuse from now on..." And for the first time as Ciel turned to her, she had a faint smile.

               He looked at her confused and thought, why do I care if this girl is happy? I don't even know her last name? Wierd.

                  He was interupted from his thoughts when Lucy destroyed a mosterous knot in his back. He gasped in pain as she quickly loosened her grip on his shoulders. He started to exhale fastly and then said "You couldn't of warned me first? Honestly..."

           She looked down until her eyes went wide and she fell to the ground. Ciel then looked at her in shock as she covered her mouth and coughed up blood.

                              He got out of his chair and kneeled to her side, he didn't know how to react so he quickly called for Sebastian, who came almost immediately with a handkerchief.

              He covered her mouth and she surprisingly grabbed Ciel's hand. Ignoring her cough's of pain, Ciel started blushing but then trying to snap out of it, he ripped his hand out of hers and said " Don't touch me so freely!"

               But around that moment, she passed out due to blood loss. Sebastian then picked her up in bridal position and bowed to his master. He then simply said

                     " Next time she gets out of bed, could you send her back to her room? She is still not capable of working at all, I also understand you've decided she'll be a masseuse. Of coarse she will have more chores than that but that will be her main chore."

            Ciel nodded and Sebastian left, Ciel than sat in his chair and started thinking again why did I blush at that moment, and why did she cling to me? Wierd.

                                               At that Ciel started working again.

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