Pregnant Days: Lucy Edition month two

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Lucy's Point of View

My stomach's already started to plump, but I still haven't left my room yet. I've only been in my bathroom since Sebastian is bringing me food. Ciel came in a lot to keep me company, even though it wasn't going to be his real child, he was still acting like it was.

    Yoite and Miharu would come over sometimes too, but they asked a question that they wouldn't get an answer on " Who's the father?"

 It's already been a month and I was extremely tired, I felt sick to my stomach as I laid in bed. Right now it was just me in the room, I laid there in discomfort, I kept on thinking to myself Ciel hasn't been romantic to me for a while.

       I bet he thinks i'm a whore.......

         I rubbed my eyes a little and felt an intoxicating fume fill my lung.

 I coughed a little and started to feel drowsy, I wasn't going to pass out but I felt sick. My vision blurred and I saw Ciel walk in with a stranger, I listened in on their conversation " Lau, didn't I tell you not to smoke that stuff in my house?!" Ciel yelled as Lau replied " But earl, it's opium and I think that your little lady friend likes it too!"

                 Ciel turned to me seeing my eyes were out of focus and started to yell at Lau, until I weakly called for him and Ciel shooed Lau. "What can I do Lucy?" Ciel replied with concern filling his voice.

           I weakly replied "My stomach hurts..." Ciel started to stroke my stomach but that didn't help. Ciel gently held his hand on my stomach and shock filled his face when he felt the baby kick.

     My face filled with something else, pain. I hated carrying this kid in my stomach and hated how fast it was growing since I was a half demon and a god-like thing was the father.

                  I estimated about 2 more months until the baby would come but didn't say anything yet. Ciel's eyes were filled with amazement as he looked at me " You know, your amazing Lucy..." I smiled and closed my eyes.

   Ciel put his head on my stomach to see if he could hear anything. Ciel's hand was stroking my hand as I tightly clenched it. Ciel looked at my stomach and kissed it. I looked at him with a little blush. " I can't wait until you have this child, what name do you think we'll call her..." Ciel said as I replied with a little laugh in my voice

  "Her? How do you know it's a girl? " I said as Ciel smiled and replied " We'll either gender it'll be as lovely as it's mother..." I smiled as Ciel, for the first time in weeks, kissed my cheek and let me cuddle him. I loved him so much that I didn't even know how to express it.

                  Ciel's Point of View

 I was frightened and excited at the thought of having a child around since, Lucy and I were still children ourselves. Sebastian was probably going to spend most of the time taking care of the baby that was still inside of Lucy's stomach.

          I was also a little bit concerned about Lucy's child, it seemed like it was growing faster then it should of been.

Lucy seemed all right to me and that was more important. Even though her stomach was growing she was still incredibly skinny, which was not supposed to happen when your pregnant. I was guessing she wasn't eating much.

          I felt kicks but, it felt like there were four legs, not wanting to scare Lucy, I didn't say anything. Was it possible that she was going to have twins? Or was it that the child had, *gulp* four legs?

 Lucy was still awake when I then said " Lucy, will you eat something if Sebastian makes it?" She nodded and I called for Sebastian. Sebastian came in with chicken soup and some warm milk. I drank some of the warm milk as Lucy ate her chicken soup.

It was awkward that I was sitting on the edge of the bed and Lucy was sitting up in her bed, but I didn't know why. Lucy was quietly sitting with me when she finished her food. She seemed content for now so I was happy.

 Right then Miharu and Yoite walked in and sat down with us. We started talking about the newest book that came out. I laughed as Lucy started to talk about it too. It started as a book topic, then it went to cracking jokes, and now its about what the baby should be named.

I then said " Why don't we name the child, If its a girl, Emily." Lucy agreed and said " What about if it's a boy?" Miharu replied " You could name it Sora." Yoite's eye's widened and then went back to normal. I was confused but ignored that confusion to agree. " Alright, so if it's a girl we'll name her Emily. If its a boy, we'll name him Sora." Lucy said while stroking her stomach.

                      Miharu's Point of View

Ciel wasn't glaring at me today which was a shock. For some reason it felt like the guy hated me, I wondered why but never asked him. I was laughing with everyone in the group. It was odd that we went back to cracking jokes. After a little while we stopped joking around and started a new conversation.

 " It's been a while since we actually all talked together like this " Miharu said with a smile on his face. " I know. It's just been with me sick and then pregnant.... Ugh! I'm a busy teen..." She said while laughing. Ciel was laughing too, which Yoite and I never seen before.

Lucy was sitting up straight at this time and we all felt her stomach. It was interesting to feel a child kicking when inside of someone. We all laughed when Ciel cracked a joke about pregnant people. It was cool that Lucy wasn't one of those girls who got offended when someone made a joke about pregnant people.

  Thanks for waiting, i know it was a long chapter!!! I made sure there was no mistakes lol next chapter witness Lucy giving birth lol!!!

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