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No ones Point of View

      also, im numbering them, ill tell you at the end why

1. "Well, Lucy I think..." Ciel started as Lucy listened in quietly. " Lucy, no matter what happens just know i'm always going to be there for yo-" " Ciel please! Just tell me already!!!" Lucy interupted as Ciel sighed and put on his best poker face " I sold my soul to a demon. I imagine i'll die from loosing my soul..."

2. Lucy stared at him with sorrow and disbeleif, why would he do that? There's nothing at all good in selling your soul!! Lucy quietly got up and locked herself into the bathroom. She didn't want to face anyone, she just wanted to die.

3.Ciel countlessly asked her to come out of the bathroom but, Lucy refused to speak.

4.Ciel walked to Sebastian with his face glommery than usual. " Sebastian?" Sebastian looked up from the dishes " Yes, my lord?" Ciel plops on the counter and sighs " I tod her. I told her I sold my soul to a demon, and now she's mad at me! How can I take it back, how can I make it all better?" Ciel asks Ciel in frustration. Sebastian had an amused smile on his face.

5.  " Well, master. Maybe it hurt her feelings to learn someone she cares quite deeply for is going to Hell. "

  Ciel's POV

 "I know but..... I just cant stand to see her looking so glum.." I started as Sebastian started to walk towards my room. When we reached the bathroom door Sebastian knocked on it and asked to come in.

 6. "What do you want...?" She asked trying to sound angry but it was choked out obvious that she had recently been crying. " I simply want to speak, Lucy..." Sebastian started only to hear her reply "No..!"

Sebastian seemed a little irritated by her answer and sighed " Now Lucy, how long do you plan on sulking in the bathroom?" She didn't reply. " Don't you think you should just come out of there so we can speak like civilized people?"

Lucy sounded mad at that suggestion when she angrily replied " People?! You and I know that you are NOTHING close to a person!!!!!!" 

Sebastian turned to me as I whispered " I never told her it was you..." Sebastian sighed and then said to the clearly hurt girl " Now, if you would come out we could discuss this like..... living things would..."


Alright my friend Kfmaus helped with #4 which is the 4th paragraph and i'd just like to say thank you K!!! Sorry for taking so long!!! I needed inspiration lol

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