His Mistress, Spells?

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POV: Ciel Phantomhive

                                           It was quiet for a while until a huge grin spread Lucy's face, I felt my stomach churn at how happy and proud she seemed.

                     "I got it!" She yelled excitedly, jumping from her spot on the couch, bringing Miharu to stand with her. She went in for a quick, chaste kiss on Miharu as she chanted happily.

                " I know what that smell is! Whoever I was before was a lying, evil, self-centered bitch!"

            I started to get angry as I protested " What are you on abo-"

                      " And you're precisely the reason! Oh that dummy going around charming people. I knew she was aweful when I first heard her voice!" Lucy chanted as I gave a confused stare, cocking my head slightly.

                   " She had charmed you Ciel, you think you love her, and you might. But you didn't get to actually know her. She put on an act the whole time and that stupid charm she put on you is the reason you hate me." Lucy explained as I started to get angry.

                   "So you're telling me that she, no, you! You charmed me and I don't really love you? What the hell is going on?" I barked as she seemed hurt by my words, she started speaking quieter as she said

              " I-it wasn't me.... Whoever owned this body before had seen to it. I-i would never stoop so low as to... to practically control someones emotions...."

                I calmed down and stood up, slowly pulling her into an embrace " I apologize. I didn't mean to yell." I said thinking I soothed her until she looked up into my eyes.

                             " Can I take the charm off? I don't want you to be forced in enjoying my company.... As I said you may really love me as you claimed or you could be tricked by your emotions... I was an aweful person wasn't I?" She said as tears brimmed her eyes, I immediately cooed to her

                   " Well you weren't that person remember?"

            She sniffled and smiled, leaning her head back into my cheast.

                " I just want to get to know the real you. Not a charmed Ciel."

            Her lips slowly moved to mine as I could fell my memories fade, and I began to question my attraction to her; sure she was beautiful, but what was she really like?

               For all I know she could be another Elizabeth... Elizabeth... I cheated on Elizabeth? Oh, that musn't of went well.. the last thing I held onto in the memories was seeing her scared eyes as I questioned her. I had soon blacked out.

           When i awoke I was in an unfamiliar face with Sebastian smiling over my figure, my newest servant was sitting on a young boys lap, asleep. How utterly improper! A servant should do nothing of the sort!

         I sat up and asked monotonely to Sebastian " Why is our newest servant doing in such a improper position and where am I? Honestly, I doze off while working and wake to see this!"

                      Sebastian looked at me surprisingly as I heard the one boy holding the female servant say "She wasn't kidding about loosing his memory but, I just hope she's happy...."

                 She? Just exactly who was she? My newest servant? I lost memories? What?!

         " Sebastian explain, now." I said impatiently as Sebastian did so.

          "My lord, this, just for a precaution so you do not lash out in anger at the poor girl, is not the same one we found that evening. The one we met was capable of spell-casting and to summarize this, the other Miss Lucy charmed you, making you helplessly in love with her. This current Lucy had taken the charm off you and you should be fine."

              I glared as I saw the girl slowly awaken, she jumped as I comanded " You, Lucy was it? What in Hell is going on, explain or do I have to make it an order?"

              She looked at me confused until Sebastian had murmured to her about her being a Phantomhive servant before any of the charming happened.

           " I-i'm sorry sir but, I don't r-really have much memory of it either..." She murmured looking to the ground. The boy murmured something around 'jerk' and I was about to glare at him until the young servant girl covered his mouth and said

                  "I-i'm terribly sorry sir, M-miharu didn't mean it." So that was the name of the brown-haired. green eyed, mannerless, boy. Hmph.

                     Sebastian had soon ushered the two out and changed me into something presentable.

                   As Sebastian and I walked out I stopped at a door when I faintly heard my servants voice

                 " Miharu I told you I was sure on lifting that curse that I had put on him, no matter how different he is."

                 " First of all" the other male who I learned was Miharu, said " You didn't do it. Whoever was in you when you had been to weak to surface did it. And anyways, are you really just going to drop everything and become a servant, I mean, really Lucy. He'll work you to your death!

                She Countered " I don't think he would do that Miharu I mean hen... When I saw those eyes.... They- they just had so much..... Hurt and sorrow in them....... He really is a good guy Miharu, I can tell..."

                      Miharu had then said something smart ass " I hope he isn't as much of a jerk as he was before..."

                        Just then Sebastian had convinced me to no longer listen into their conversation. We had a breif argument over what we should call my moment of listening in, Sebastian claimed it was easedropping but I countered

               "She's my servant, therefore my property. I have all rights to listen to her conversations so it is not easedropping."

          Sebastian chuckled and shot back " If she's your property, doesn't that make you her property?"

               I blushed and murmured something in the sorts of 'What? No it does not! Servants don't own people! Go make me a parfait'.

            Okay thats it for this chapter! Whadya think? I told Savage Trixter really recently, that I had a reason for Ciel, in one day, falling in love with Lucy. So what do you think?

               Will uncharmed Ciel hate this Lucy? Or love her? Keep reading! I love you all especially Kaitie-em and BellaStar!!!

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