His Mstress, Hurt

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POV: Ciel Phantomhive

                      Dammit.... I did this, but it's not Lucy is it? It can't be, Lucy is so different, not as depressed, more forward. I don't get i- CRASH!

                                I turned to find out what the noise was only to encounter about 50 grown men in what appeared ninja ear, ranting on about capturing Miharu, Yoite, and Lucy. I was about to call for Sebastian when one had pinned me and raised a knife at me!

                               I saw a slim hand make its way through his chest. His weapon dropped as I heard a quiet voice say "Fucking old man..." I watched the body drop as I slowly saw Lucy. Her bangs had covered her face and I figured it was the demon inside of her that had attacked.

                             Many charged her but it seemed to easy in her opinion to use her arms to stab there chests. It was a shocking scene to see such a depressed girl seeming so alive at this moment. I was shocked when I got a glimpse of her eyes.

                                  Her eyes were blue, not red...

                        This wasn't the demon who was massacring them, no. This was Lucy. I had never seen someone look so alive at a moment of homocide, oh god I think she was enjoying it.

                    When all the bodies dropped I had realised my mistake, She only looked happy at the angle I was at, her face seemed like she was just so. so.......hurt.

                      Miharu and Yoite ran in as Lucy plopped to the ground panting. Miharu looked at the bodies and then at Lucy, thinking hard on which to deal with. I then thought of what I could do as I called " Sebastian, come clean this up."

                     I slowly made my way over to Lucy, who was now laying on Miharu's lap. When I faced her it was horrible; her skin was white like the snow, her skin barely containing fat showing off some of her bones, her mouth gaping slightly as if it could not open completely, and her eyes so filled with hurt and depression.

                       I sat down next to her and stroked her hair as Miharu felt her pulse. Yoite had long gone to make her a huge bowl of something soft and fat, I beleive pudding... Her pulse was fine but she was so cold. " Ciel, go get her a blanket." I heard Miharu say and, though I would usually protest to being told what to do, I complied, grabbing a fluffy baby-blue blanket.

                           Miharu wrapped her in the blanket as her breathing slowed down. "I... I'm..." She breathed out as I said as calmly as I could " You're what Lucy?" I continued to stroke her hair. Tears wlled her eyes " A murderer..." she said as she silently wept into Miharu's stomach.

                   I felt aweful and it didn't help when Yoite came back and asked " Whats wrong with her? Why is she crying?" He had a huge bowl of chocolate pudding in his hands as Miharu took it and convinced Lucy to start eating it.

                  Miharu coddled Lucy and cooed her into eating most of it, he stroked her hair and murmured sweet words to her, everthing I was supposed to do but I didn't I ignored her and ended up destroying her. Way to go Phantomhive!

                         After Lucy was settled onto the couch,  we basically turned our whole attention on her. I can't beleive how aweful I was to her. She pulled a mp3 player from her pocket, putting a song on. I beleive it was called "Hello" by Evanescence. What an odd song. She's broken inside isn't she...

              My thoughts were interupted by Lucy " I'm not broken."  I could feel her tense, and see the tears fight to stay in her eyes.

                      Yes, I thought, Hello, by Evanescence was the best song to describe Lucy.

                 Alrighty another chapter is up!

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