His Butler, Nightmares

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    "Let this filthy child repent from what she has become! Repent! Repent!" I recalled as the other men chorused. "Now sing filthy child! SING!" they chanted as they wipped me.

                       I started with tears choking my voice " I want to die...I want to die.... Can someone please come and save me"

                The men started chanting in tune "Repent, repent" As they wipped me more " Am I so revolting, am I so disgusting, oh please someone come and save me~gyah..........." 

                        At that time the men had kicked my cheast, leaving me breathless. That night I had officially wanted death to come and take me... I couldn't stand anymore, I sat there with an apathetic face as I took a knife to my neck.


       ~End of flashback/dream~

 Lucy woke up screaming, trembling, sobbing. She fell to the ground and hid on the ground, huddled in a corner, freaking out. She was hyperventilating when Ciel came in

                     " Lucy? Are you alright?....."

                               He searched for her when he saw her huddled in a corner. He felt quite a bit of pity for the girl, her long black hair had tears stained in it as it stringed down her back, her black bangs were matted together from the tears, her light blue eyes were filled with fear.

            A truly pitiful sight. He came over to her and grabbed her shoulder, she leaned in to his cheast and started to calm down when it came to her breathing.

                            He stroked her back and repeated that is was going to be okay... She sat there quietly, "He's very gentle when he isn't near anyone who could sully his pride" thought Lucy. She clung to his arm and shortly returned to normal breathing.

                       Ciel hesitantly helped her up on the bed, he then hugged her very tightly. He immediately let go and when Lucy looked up, she noticed that he was shocked of what he did to.

                          He then got up from the bed and turned while saying " It's 11:43, you should really get some sleep. If you have another nightmare just..... Come to my room...."

      When he walked out Lucy stared in shock. Does he care about me or does he CARE CARE about me?! Why does he make me so confused? Theres no way he could like a murderer, a filthy child.....Right?

                               With that she quietly stared at her blankets. She started blushing, and got up. She walked over to Ciel's bedroom door and took countless tries before actually knocking. When Ciel answered the door, he looked with only a little bit of surprise when he saw she had brought her pillow.

                  He laughed for a moment and then asked " Whats wrong? Did you already have a nightmare?" She shook her head and replied very VERY quietly "Could I...Maybe..... S......S-sleep with you tonight...."

                      Ciel had a shocked face but saw how afraid the girl looked and then replied "Fine" He then showed her which side to sleep on and then returned to the bed. She cuddled the pillow she had brought from her room and silently stared at nothing.

         To break the awkward silence Ciel then said "I cant remember the last time I had actually slept in the same bed with someone. I think I was about 5 or something... I don't really remember." He expected no reply until he heard her reply in a sad voice

                                           " Was it warm... Sleeping with someone....?" Ciel looked at the girl and obviously saw that she had never even slept with a sibling or a relative or even a friend because, she didn't have anyone. She never did, and ignoring his conscious he then rubbed her head and replied "Yeah, it did feel warm..."

                     She looked at him and blushed a little with a happy smile. He then turned bright red and moved his hand.

                          He then sighed and stared straight up.But for the first time Lucy had giggled. She scooted closer to him and started talking again. "What does it feel like to have someone to depend on?"

                    Ciel always felt a little bit more pity for her every time she asked a question about feelings such as what she had just asked him.

             He meekly replied " I guess it takes a lot of stress from me, personally." He looked at her and once again ignoring his conscious he said " You can depend on me for now." She looked at him and he suddenly realized what he had just said.

                        He turned bright purple from embarrasment. And tried to avoid contact from  being sure she would laugh at him but instead she said " D-do you really mean it?! Really...!?"

                        He looked at that face that was so close to a smile aand then said "Of coarse." At that thought Lucy fell asleep and didn't have a nightmare for the rest of the night.

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