The Pregnant days: Lucy edition!!

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Ciel's POV:

      The next day



When I woke up one thing stuck to my mind, Miharu will pay for what he did to Lucy!!! Sebastian noticed how angry his young master looked and how frightened his young mistress looked. He helped his young mistress out of bed, she was trembling violently and Sebastian said making Lucy cry

       " What is the matter you two. I've never seen you display so much emotion before..." I felt anger rise up inside me as I replied" It's none of your business, demon!"

       I knew I snapped and that made Sebastian want to know what happened more. I watched with anger as he turned to Lucy and put his arm on her shoulder as he asked " Young mistress, would you like to tell me whats going on..?"

              I watched her with pity as she fell to the ground and started to sob. Of coarse, not wanting her to cry anymore, Sebastian picked her up and let her cry in his shoulder.

              I walked over to him and said with a mix of snappiness, anger and a snort in my voice " So you really want to know......." Sebastian looked at me and said yes

              " Lucy was raped yesterday by that THING inside of Miharu. We're almost certain she's pregnant." Whe Sebastian heard this he looked at me with shock. I knew he was turning this into something about him.

                 He was thinking something like this I've failed as a butler...Shouldn't i've sensed it. I've done a horrible job..... and something about his butlers asthetics as well. He then put a smile on his face that made me sick. I was about to start yellling at him when Lucy started to cough, Sebastian ran her to the tiolet and let her puke her guts out.

      Lucy's POV:

   I tried to stop puking but couldn't, I felt hands holding my hair back as I threw up. When I stopped I leaned onto Ciel who was holding me and whispered " Please don't hate Miharu..... Or tell him about who the father is.....It would kill him inside and he didn't even really mean to do it, honest...."

              He saw tears form in my eyes as I whispered this to him.. He nodded because he knew it was very important to me.

   Sebastian told me to stay in my room for the day since I didn't feel to well. I knew my complextion was pale too since Sebastian said he would bring me some soup in 20 minutes. Ciel had a look of pity and fright glanced in his eyes

             . I knew that my body wasn't doing well when it came to the baby growing in my stomach. I felt like a whore, I was only 12 and now I was going to be pregnant. I feel so insecure...

I remembered last night with sorrow filling my eyes.

"Please don't make Miharu do this Shinra..... Please agh!!" I pleaded as Shinra/Miharu bit into my neck. I moaned as he started to pull my corset  down...."Please stop....Please stop..." I remember that terrible smile the shinrabancho put on her face when I moaned with pleasure and fear.... Please stop...

 I felt Ciel's hand wipe the tears that were forming away. I don't to be the one to choose, between Miharu and Ciel because it'll have to be a choose situation that in the end I would loose. I felt my eyes water more and knew in the end I would of coarse choose Ciel. I'm falling again though. I slowly fell asleep as CIel stroked my cheek.

  Ciel's POV:

  She was filled with fright even in her sleep. I knew it was going to be hard for her to show any true relaxation. I thought about my mother and father, they probably didn't like that I had thrown my soul away or that I let myself become attached and in love with a pregnant half demon. I let out an airy sigh when I looked at her. I knew she was very scared.

  I didn't know I was tired until I passed out leaning next to the bed. I felt a cold sensation on my neck since I had no blanket. I heard the door open and figured it was Sebastian but I was wrong, it was Yoite.

   He sat there and stared at me when he noticed my eyes were partially open. He then asked in a quiet voice " Is it true that Lucy's pregnant?....." Ciel nodded weakly since he was tired. Yoite looked at the ground and said " When I first met you you seemed like you hated everything but now, you're prssence is saying something much different. Is it true you really love her?.." I smiled a little and nodded.

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