His Maid, Blood

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Alright once again working my ass off to get this done. My school has just put on a production called Our Town and I was Mrs. Soames and stuff and Choir ugh... I've just had no time. I'll shut up now.

                          Lucy's POV:

                               When I woke up I felt an immediate head ache come into play.

     I looked around, although my sight was a bit slow, it took some time to refocus myself as it took most of my self control to stop from letting out a pitiful whimper. I wonder, where is master? He should be here but, where was he? Where was Miharu and Mr. Sebastian? I began shaking uncontrollaby now, I want to go home..

                As I get a better look I can see the blood that stains the empty stone basement. I go to get up when I feel restraints around my arms and legs, it reminds me of the men...

                "Grab her legs! The Damn sluts moving to much!" One of the men screamed as I attempted to fight them off. My hips were pinned as they took there turns with me, occasionally wounding me. The whole time my throat sore from heavy screaming. I don't want to be here! I wanna go!


              They wont let me go. They wont let me leave. They wont let me Die.


              I lay there unmoving, though the tears are still evident in my eyes.

"Mi...Miharu....Ma....Master.... Please.......Seb....Mr......"

                               I whimper out as I suffer from a full on panic attack. I didn't notice the girl yet, she stood their, her eyes malicious. I squeak when she suddenly pops up, holding my chin. She slowly rotates my head as I hyperventilate. " Your quite a little peice of meat. No wonder the little Earl put you up as the bait in this fishing trip" She said, giggling madly "H...How?" I choke out trembling.

                          "Such lovely fear you exhibit. I wonder how you would act, dazed with blood splattered everywhere. As you fight for your last breath..." I cry out when she scratches my neck. I want to go.... I struggle as much as possible until I feel her breath on my neck right under my ear as my eyes completely go out of focus and start screaming.

                               The men did this too......

                            I felt a sharp pain in my neck as the girl....No, vampire starts feeding.... Off.... Off me....... The world goes black soon.

Black Butler and Nabari No Ou: Sorrow (fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora