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Jake received correspondence in his email from his counterpart in Hongkong Police. They just confirmed that Nemesis was named the assassin of Jason Lee. It is rumored that Jason Lee has an underground drug syndicate operating under his several legitimate companies . He was considered to be one of the richest young men in Hongkong. He was 32. According to Hongkong Police, he was killed in his suite at the Ritz during his company party last night. They were investigating it discreetly as he wasn’t known as a “drug syndicate CEO” but a respectable business tycoon. No group has actively admitted to hiring Nemesis but his name came up and is yet to be confirmed.

Jake quickly sent a reply to the police officer who sent him the correspondence named David Chun Yee. He promised to share information or lead regarding Nemesis and asked the same from the HK police.

After sending the correspondence, he thought about his recent meeting with Kenneth and hoped he will have something for him- about Nemesis.

He stood up from his chair and stretched, he had a long day and he had a splitting headache. He gritted his teeth, he is eager to come face to face with Nemesis soon, he has a lot to pay and he will make sure he pay everything including interest.

All the leads that his informant gave him has something but all reached dead ends. Nemesis is slick and slippery as an eel.

2 Days After

Jake was typing an email correspondence to his counterpart in Hongkong. He hasn’t heard anything else so he is making a follow up. Their break means his,too.

After he sent the email, he stood up and went to their coffee area. He loves coffee and his stress companion. He knows some people say it doesn’t help with stress but he’d rather have coffee than go back to his smoking days.

He used to smoke for a short period of time but since he didn’t like the effect of it health wise he also didn’t like the smell of it , one of the things which his ex girlfriend would complain about. So he quit smoking and also quit having whiny girlfriends. From then on, no smoking and no girlfriends. He didn’t believe in having a relationship just to have one.

Maybe one day he will really fall in love and only then will he consider it and even think about marriage.

At age 25, he is still young. No rush for anything serious at this time. He loves his job and that’s the only thing he is focused on.

Plus, Nemesis- he thought. Now he is his obsession.

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