Chapter 23: Swayed Hatred

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Chapter 23

Swayed Hatred

This is guy.. I felt irritated as soon as I found him sleeping. Here and I was looking for a problem child.

I stomped towards him. As I was about to wake him up, I felt guilty about something. I slowly took the book off his face.

Something stopped me from waking him up. And it was because I saw him peacefully sleeping. His natural fierce eyes rested and turned into a sweet one. Even if he's a boy, he has long eye lashes. Despite playing sports all the time, his skin was fairer than an average skin of a girl's. It looks really soft.. His lips are slightly apart which makes him look.. hot..

I blushed from thinking all of that. What the heck? Did I actually thought that he's hot?! Damn it..!

Well, he really is a hot guy, after all. I can't deny it and no one can. His messy way of wearing his uniform exposes his collar bones.. now that I get a closer look, he has a mole on it.. Oh, crap. The beginning of his chest line is also showing..

I can't help but think that it's sexy.. It's the first time for me to address a boy sexy. Just how much has he grown? I can't believe the Shin that I knew before turned into such an attractive man..

Suddenly, I noticed that I felt a bit sad from reminiscing the past. What the heck? I shouldn't really do that.

I have to carry out my revenge after all. I'm not done yet. I have to make him suffer more and more.

"Mn.." He exclaimed.

He moved his head to the side, facing me.

"Yuri..." He mumbled in his sleep.

Shut up.. You don't have to mumble my name in your sleep. I felt heat rushed up to my cheeks. I felt a little embarrassment.

Suddenly and unexpectedly, he half opened one of his eyes. It caught me red-handed.


"What are you doing?" He asked.


Crap! I just stuttered! Stupid Yurika! Now, he's gonna think that I'm nervous!

"Checking out on me, aren't you? I didn't expect this but.. You're actually a female pervert?" He chuckled.

Did he just call me a pervert?! How rude!

"I am not a pervert and I will never be!" I yelled.

He chuckled again.

"Calm down. You seem guilty enough, though." He said.

"Shut up! I told you, I'm not!" I protested.

"So, what are your intentions?" He asked.

He sat up and leaned against the tree.

"The teacher asked me to look for you. You have to go back to classes." I explained.

"I'll go." He said.


"That is, if you can." He smirked.

Whaaaaaaaat?! He's so freaking annoying! What's his problem?! He placed his arms behind his head and used it as a pillow while leaning against the tree.

He closed his eyes and showed me that he's really enjoying his relaxation. He's pissing me off!

"You're such a pest." I said in anger.

"I know right?" He said not affected by my words.

"Grrrr! You really piss me off!!" I said as I was irritated to the maximum point.

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