Chapter 3: Our Fingers Intertwined

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Chapter 3

Our Fingers Intertwined

(Ayumi Yurika)

I'm Ayumi Yurika, 9 years old. I'm a girl with no friends, I'm always lonely, and sad. My life was full of sadness.. My parents are never home.. butlers took care of me for the sake of work not for the sake of care...

Whenever my parents come home, they would only quarrell and fight about things.. and the thing is... I also have a weak health. I thought that I should give up my life already.

I thought living my life was useless. I was gonna give up.. But then, a single guy saved me from the darkness..

He saved me... He filled the darkness, and loneliness in my heart with love.. I was sure it's love. I'm just a kid but, I understand it because he makes me feel safe, happy, and nervous too.

When I see him, my heart would jump out of my chest. I would always desire for him too...

What a complicated yet amazing feeling Love is...

I can't stop thinking about him.. Hayato Shinosuke was his name.. Such a cool name..

(Sound of door banging)

What's that? Are my parents home? I ran to my parents' room and...

As usual.. they're fighting again...

"You good for nothing man! Why are you always like this?!"

"Don't blame me! Why don't you evaluate yourself?!"

"Shut up! You always dump everything on me!!!"

(Sound of things crashing)

Please... stop fighting already. I unconciously cried. My chest hurts. I feel pain in my chest.. I can't breathe...

I went to my room and continued crying... Was I the reason of why they're fighting? Was it because they could not take care of me properly?

I'm sorry mother... I'm sorry father...

I went away. I went to school and into the music room. I want to see him and play Pachebel Canon..

I positioned my hands on the piano and tried playing Pachebel Canon with my heart.. But, I remember my parents fighting... I can't forget about that...

Hayato-kun... please help me...

Suddenly, the door slammed open. It's Hayato-kun!!

"Why're you crying?" He asked.

What? I'm crying? I touched my face and there are tears. I wiped them away.

"What's wrong, Ayumi Yurika?" He asked with a smirk.

How did he know?!

"H-How did you--"

"It was easy. I looked at the principal's files and I found you." He smirked.

"T-That's not good!"

"Well, who cares."

He sat with me again. He looked at me with no emotion but, I can tell on his eyes that he's worried about something.

"U-Um.." I exclaimed getting embarrassed.

"You.. What's bothering you? Why are you crying just a while ago?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter..." I mumbled.

He held my hands and placed them on the piano. His fingers are placed over mine... So warm...

But, right now, I'm gonna die! Oh, no! My heart's beating really fast! What if he can hear it?!

What's he gonna do?

"Follow my lead." He whispered in my ear.

I immediately blushed and began feeling nervous and uneasy.

He pressed a key on the piano with my finger under them.

Then, he continued and continued.

I see... he's playing Pachebel Canon...

"Play it with your heart. Enjoy the music, Ayumi.." He whispered in a very calm, cool, and mesmerizing voice.

It made me feel safe and comfortable and followed his lead. He's such an amazing person..

Hayato-kun is so nice...

Then, the piece was finished and he looked happy and I was so happy too.

"That's how you play it." He said with a smile.

That smile! It totally struck my heart! Oh my gosh...

"Thank you, Hayato-kun.." I said.

"It was nothing." He said.

He's such a nice guy. I want to get closer to him! I want to be with him!

"Hey.. I-If there's anything I can do, tell me.. Otherwise, I'll start feeling down too.." He blushed.

H-H-How adorable!!!

"U-Um, no matter what your problems is, get yourself together. U-Um, good luck.." He said while trying to keep his embarrassment.

Hayato-kun... I stared at him with loving eyes.. He understands me so much.. I was so touched!

"T-That's all!!" He said as he ran away.

"Wait, Hayato-kun!" I called.

He stopped but, he didn't look back.

"Thank you, Hayato-kun! I will never forget your kindness! You're very nice, Hayato-kun! U-Um, if possible, I would like to be friends with you.." I told him.

He didn't respond.. Does he not want to be friends with me? I feel sad..

Suddenly, he ran backwards. He acted really strange.. He went towards me but he doesn't look into my eye.. He was red all over..

He took my hand and shaked it. Then, he ran away really fast. He's being weird, is he okay?

But then, I realized that there was a piece of paper. Perhaps, he gave it to me..

I opened it and read the message.

---Paper Message---

To tell you the truth, I'm not a nice guy. You're the first girl who made ever made act like this. I'm cold, ignorant, haughty, and has a bad attitude. I don't understand myself but, I've been feeling better when I stick with you..

Um, if it's okay with you.. I would like to be friends. Well if you don't really want, it's fine. I'm not forcing you. If only you're fine with me.. Well, don't expect something great. I'm not a fun, and jolly guy after all. I don't wanna ruin your mood so, don't expect being friends with me would be fun..

See ya.


Haha, what an unexpectedly long message. I never knew that Hayato-kun would be so shy. I get to see a side of him..

And I get to hold his hand! His big manly hands are sooooo cool! When we played the piano, he held my hands too...

Wah.. his scent still lingers here.. I'll treasure this moments all the way down to my grave!

End of Chapter 3

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