Chapter 4: Love Sprouts

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Chapter 4

Love Sprouts

(Hayato Shinosuke)

I.. agreed to become her friend. What now? I'm nervous.. Is this really okay? Is this necessary?

Would it affect my training? I'm nervous.. I can't calm down. What do friends usually do?

I took my laptop and started searching through the net.

(Searching for: What do do friends usually do?)

Things came out. It says:

Hanging out after school or work

Chatting very often

Telling jokes

Exchanging numbers

Going out to amusement parks and arcades

Talking about problems with each other

Calling each other by their first names

Becoming close and being familiar with each other

Helping each other

Feels important to each other

Talking about insterests

Telling about likes and dislikes

Eating lunch together

Always with you whenever you hang out




Wow. That's alot. Doing all this must be tiring.. Well, at least I've gotta try.

Wait, gotta try? Argh! What am I saying?!

I should only think about championships! Winning! And getting stronger! Not some mushy stuff like this!

Uncle's right, I shouldn't think about the necessary! The unecessary are weak! That also includes friends!

Friends are weak! I don't need them!

---The next day---

I made my usual running from the mansion to the school. Yep, you could say, my uncle's rich. He's a known business man and an athlete worldwide. Not to mention, he earned the grand champion in the olympics.

He's got the looks too but, he's single. He's still quite young. About the age of 25, I think? So, I think he'll find someone too.

I got to school and I accidentally got pushed by a reckless guy and I bumped to someone.

I looked at the person who bumped into me and it.. Ayumi!

"A-Ayumi?" I asked in surprised.

"Hayato-kun.." He mumbled all red.

I got irritated by the person who pushed me for some reason. It's his reason I bumped into her and troubled her.

"Oi! Who pushed me?! Come here and fight me, you bastard!" I shouted.

"I-I'm sorry.. I wans't looking." I fat guy came out.

"Oi, bastard. Look where you're going next time! got it, fatty?"

"T-That's enough, Hayato-kun.." Ayumi said.

I immediately calmed down. Why do I become too soft because of this girl?

I went on ahead of her but, she followed me. Why is she following me?

"Hey, you're gonna late for your class. Quit following me." I said.

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