Chapter 28: The Last Song

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Chapter 28

The Last Song

(Hoshina Yurika)

As I flutter my eyes open, the first thing I saw was the white ceiling of a hospital room. I'm glad I was alive though. I saw some dextrose on my body and a nasal catheter attached on my nose. I was actually feeling fine and stable that I get the feeling that I don't need it. It's making me feel so uncomfortable.

All of a sudden, I heard a soft melody of a piano. As I searched around from where the melody was coming from, I spotted a beautiful vase of pink roses. Then, something caught at the corner of my eye. It was a paper note attached to it.

It says: Come to the Music room in the 2nd floor.

It was probably addressed to me so, I got up from my bed and removed all the medical eqipments attached to me cause' I can't move around freely. I know that I'm not supposed to do this but, I want to get to the music room. It's stirring up my curiosity.

I went to the halls, acting nonchalantly so, the people around me won't notice me. I got down to the 2nd floor and the music in my ears grew louder. It was so beautifully played like the fingers of the pianists gently caressed the keys.

It's as if, it was Shin who was playing the piano. When I got in front of the Music room, somehow, my heart started beating so fast which is actually bad for my heart. But, I can't help it since I'm nervous.. But, somehow I don't hate this kind of feeling..

I hesitated to enter the room but, then, I managed to muster up all my courage to enter the Music room. When I entered, I was partly surprised to see Shin on the piano, playing a beautiful and soothing melody.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I broke his solemn playing.

He stopped playing the piano and sweetly smiled at me. "Where's your dextrose? I though, you need it everywhere you go," he teased with a smile.

"They're annoying. Besides, I don't need them at all," I replied.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. At least you're here. By the way, music room is cool for a hospital, though," he exclaimed, looking around, amused.

"So, why did you tell me to come here?" I asked as I approached him.

He just looked at me and smiled sweetly. "Come here, sit beside me." I slightly frowned at him as I was not in the mood. I have a ton of things to worry about.. Especially my condition wherein I might not be able to live for tomorrow.

"I'm not in the mood for jokes now, Hayato-kun. Just tell me why I have to be here," I commanded as I crossed my arms.

"I won't tell you if you won't sit beside me."

I sigh in irritation and just walked towards him. He eyed on me to sit down with him and so I did. "Now, get on with it," I hissed in annoyance.

He just lightly chuckled and started playing a piano piece. It was the music piece, Liszt's Consolation#3 and I gasped in shock. The memories from when we were still kids managed to come back to my mind.

My heart began fluttering inside my chest as I was so mesmerized by his charm. Damn it! Stop making me feel this way! I'm still mad at you for all the pain you've caused me before!

"Why are you playing?" I asked in a hostile tone.

But, he didn't listen to me and kept playing. He goes deeper into his concentration and the sound seems so full and rich that I can't help but react to it. The heat rushed into my face as his melody was speaking to me. It's like he's saying, 'I love you' to me.

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