Chapter 30: Live

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Chapter 30


(Hoshina Yurika)

When I opened my eyes, I was still in the hospital. I found great joy from the people around me who burst into tears the moment I woke up. My mom, dad and Kai-kun was there who all wore big smiles on their faces.

I felt great happiness when I finally understood that the operation was a success. My mom rushed towards me and embraced me tightly as she felt so excited to hold me.

This means I get to live longer and happier..!

"We're so happy for you, Yurika!" Mom said as she was crying so hard.

"Finally, we get to spend our time together for longer!" Dad said as he came to me and embraced me tightly as he was just as happy as Mom.

"Mom, Dad, I'm glad.. We can spend time together all we want and we don't have to worry about my health.. But, of course, I'm grateful for the person who gave me his heart. May I know who he is?"

Mom and Dad looked at each other with anxiety and I gave them a curious look. Kai came towards me with a melancholic expression.

"Do you really wish to know?" He asked, his voice sounded hesitant.

"Yeah, I do," I replied with determination.

He gulped down nervously and revealed a white envelope in his hand. He handed it to me with slightly shivering hands. I became anxious about reading this letter but, I guess, I should.

I opened the envelope and took out the letter. I unfolded it and began reading. It says:

Dear, Yuri

I'm sorry for not answering your calls earlier. The truth is, I am the donor of the heart. I didn't answer you because I'm afraid I might not be able to stop myself from seeing you. I was preparing myself for this since last night. I knew that last night was the last day I can see you..

That's why, I poured everything and told you how much I love you. It's already late that I told you I'm madly in love with you.. It was only now that I knew that you were Yuri, the Yuri I loved the most. If I had known sooner, I could've done better before this day.

But, I was too late.. This is the only way I can make you happy. I want you to experience the best life you can ever have and become a normal girl like everyone.

You can run, you can play, and you can never be too wary if your heart beats fast. You can be allowed to do everything you want. With my heart, I can make you free..

I'm sorry if I couldn't stay with you any longer. I'm sorry if I died earlier than you.. I'm slightly sad that I won't be able to be by your side anymore...

But, thinking that I can make you happy makes me much happier. If it's for your sake, I can do anything..

Please don't be sad when I'm gone.. I may not be here anymore but, I'm in heaven, watching over you. This love of mine for you won't vanish. That was just an organ but my love will forever stay with you..

I will never forget you, Yuri..

I love you..


My tears fell from my eyes and dropped to the paper that I was holding. My tears won't stop running and I couldn't stop these strong waves of sadness.

I was feeling so devastated and catastrophic. The only man I've ever loved is now gone..

Why does fate have to be so cruel..?

Why does fate have to take my only source of happiness away from me?

If I knew this was gonna happen then, I wouldn't have gone with the operation..!

"Yurika.." Kai-kun gently patted my shoulder.

I jerked his hand away aggressively and gritted my teeth in anger. I was shaking and shivering as if the energy was seeping away from me.

"Why didn't you tell me that Shin was the donor?!" I screamed, unable to control my rage. "If I have known then, I wouldn't have agreed to the operation! He could've lived!"

"But, Yurika.. What about you--"

"All you care for is my health! But, what about Shin?! Why did you have to take his life away just for me?! You good-for-nothing parents! Why didn't you care for him?! If you know what makes me happy then, Shin is the only answer!" I yelled at mom and dad ay the top of my lungs.

"Yurika, snap out of it!" Kai-kun grabbed my shoulders and roughly shook me. "Don't you dare shout at your parents!"

"I'll have you known that it was Shinnosuke who begged your parents to give his heart for you! Your parents disagreed because they knew that Shin is the man you love! But, Shin insists on saving your life and even kneeled down in front of them just to sacrifice himself for you! Don't vent your frustration on your parents because it pains them to see you like this and it makes them guilty to see Shinnosuke giving his heart to you!" Kai-kun yelled at me in anger.

At this point on, I lost all of my strength and let myself loose.

"Shinnosuke.. didn't tell you about this because he knew you would stop him.. He gave his life to you, and that's why you must treasure it.. You must learn to live the life he gave you with happiness.." Kai-kun whispered in my ear. "Shinnosuke lives within you, Yurika.. You mustn't be sad because he is there with you.."

I felt my heart beating stronger within me. It's as if, my heart is telling me to live..

To live without regrets.. That is what Shin is telling me..

My tears burst out of my eyes as I finally felt Shin's presence around me. It was warm and comforting.. It's like, Shin was embracing me.

I placed both of my hands on my face as I cried.

Yes, Shin.. I will live..

I will live just like you asked me to..

And without fail, I will use the life you gave me to live my life without regrets..

With your heart within me, our love together will forever be engraved within me..

End of Chapter 30

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