Chapter 29: A Farewell

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Chapter 29

A Farewell

(Hoshina Yurika)

We held each other's hands as we walked back to the general ward that I'm supposed to stay at. He would not let go of my hand any minute as held a tight grip on my hands. The moment we reached the room, I saw his eyes held a glint of sadness but, he quickly blinked it away.

"So, this is where we part ways," he said, giving me a transparent smile.

"Yeah," I nodded, smiling back at him.

"Good night," he muttered as he placed a small kiss on my forehead. "Last hug?"

We spread his arms out wide and I quickly jumped into him and gave him a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around me, burying his face to the area connecting my neck and my shoulder and gave it a little peck.

"Why does it seem that you don't want to let me go?" I asked, giggling at his behavior. He broke the embrace and smiled at me.

"Cause' this is the only time I get to express how much I love you," he replied, scratching the back of his head in a little embarrassment.

I gave a small chuckle at his bashful statement and smiled at his silliness, seeing as how he can be such a childish guy.

"But this time, I'm gonna say farewell," he sounded a bit stern and longing which surprised me a bit.

"What're you talking about? Why're you sounding like this is the last time we're seeing each other?" I asked as I giggled at his funny remark.

He just gave me a small laugh but, he gave me a sweet smile. "Good night, Yuri,"

"Yep, good night. See you tomorrow," I said with a pleased smile.

He just returned my smile with a melancholic grin and a slightly sad gaze. He just nodded and caressed my head. But then, he waved his hand at me and turned around. He placed his hands in his pockets and started walking away with his head hanging down.

As his silhouette slowly vanished from my sight, an uneasy feeling grew inside my chest. Recalling his reactions earlier, I began to think that there might be something that he's keeping from me. My doubts began to grow and my mind started having negative thoughts and I still can't get over it.

Maybe he's about to do something I don't like..?

My chain of negatives thoughts was suddenly disrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said.

Then, the doctor came in and he quickly assessed me. "My, why are you not wearing your nasal catheter and dextrose? You're not supposed to remove that," he slightly scolded me.

"Sorry, I think it feels uncomfortable," I replied.

"Well, it can't be helped then. Anyway, I have something important to talk to you about."

I sat on the bed and waited for him to continue speaking. "Well," he started and cleared his throat before continuing. "We've talked about a compatible heart donor, right?"

"Yes, what about it?" I asked, tilting my head in response.

"We've finally found one," he stated.

My eyes widened in surprise as I heard the great news. I couldn't contain my great happiness and I really wanted to jump as high as I could but, I knew I shouldn't because it'll strain my heart muscles.

"Really?! Oh my gosh! That's really great!" I exclaimed in a very cheerful and excited tone.

"Yes, I would like to ask you about the date of your operation. Would you like to have it as soon as tomorrow? I have already talked to your parents about it and they already agreed to do it," he replied. "The success rate is as good as 75%. This operation is more likely to succeed."

"Okay, let's do this tomorrow,"

"Alright, I'll be bringing you to the operation room around 8 pm."

I nodded as his instructions were clear and I understood what to do immediately. I'll just have to wait for him and the operation.. When this operation comes successful, I'm gonna spend my whole life with Shin and be happy together.

---The next day---

"The number you have dialed is currently unavailable. Please try again later."

I tightly clutched the phone in my hand out of slight irritation. I couldn't get in touch with Shin since last night. The operation is happening soon and I wanted to tell him that I'm going through it.

Why can't I contact him in such an important time?

All of a sudden, there was a knock on my door. I was partly excited as I thought about Shin coming into my room.  "Come in," I said. Then, it was Kai-kun who entered the room.

"Oh, it's you," I exclaimed, as I was a bit disappointed.

"Wow, such warm welcome," he exclaimed while chuckling sarcastically.

"Right. So, what brings you here?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Nothin' just cheering you on. I heard your operation's today. Well, aren't you in a sour mood for such a happy day? You get to live longer after this." He grabbed a chair and pulled it towards him to sit on.

"But, Shin won't answer my calls. He's being annoying," I complained as I deeply sighed.

He averted his eyes and lower his sights to the ground. It was not how he usually acts and he only does it when something's wrong. Judging by his actions, he must be hiding something from me.

"Kai-kun, is there something wrong?" I asked him as my tone was slightly suspicious of him.

He immediately held his head up and suddenly became calm. "Yeah. Why you askin' me that?" He chuckled lightly as if I was being paranoid.

I didn't leave my sights on him as the suspicious air was still around him. "You sure you're not hiding anything from me?"

He went towards me with a closed-mouth smile and patted my shoulders. "Why does it feel like you're so suspicious of me, Yurika? Don't stress yourself out and just wait for the operation, yeah?"

Suddenly, a nurse came in and said, "Patient Hoshina Yurika, please be prepared for the operation."

I nodded my head on her and Kai-kun slightly patted my shoulder to cheer my on. "I'll be waiting for you."

The nurse instructed me to lie down on the bed and now all the other nurse are with me, bringing me to the operation room. The moment I entered the room, all I saw was the light upon the ceiling. My vision was starting to become blurry and my hearing was slowly disappearing.

The anesthesia was starting to effect and I'm beginning to feel drowsy.

As I let my eyes run around, my sight was caught by the person on the other side. He was a man with black silky hair that seems soft.. He was unconscious like me but, my vision was blurry and I couldn't see him clearly..

But his silhouette seemed very familiar and there was a scent around him which makes me feel comfortable..

Who is this man..?

His presence makes me feel safe but my heart started pounding really hard out of nervousness and anxiety..

This is not good for my heart..

I better sleep and just wait for the operation..

I closed my eyes and let succumbed myself into a deep unconscious state.

End of Chapter 28

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