Chapter 5: Accepting Love

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Chapter 5

Accepting Love

I was totally shocked that I said that. I She looks paralyzed. Damn it! She'll think I'm weird, she'll think I'm disgusting, she'll think bad about me!

"Tch!" I exclaimed as I break away from my embrace and ran as fast as I could.

How could I say that?! I mean, we're friends and I'll tell her I like her? She'll totally hate me and she'll avoid me from now on..

Geez, I already made my very first friend and yet I... I ruined it. How could I be stupid?!

Damn! I'm such a fool! I'm so pathetic!

(Ayumi Yurika)

Hayato-kun ran away with all his might.. He.. said he likes me? Really? Is this a dream?

I pinched myself and Ow! it hurts! So, it's not a dream.. I need to find him!

I stood up and started looking for him. Ugh.. this is such inconvinience, I can't run. I looked at every classroom but, I can't find him.

(Sound of the bells)

Oh, it's already time? I need to hurry to class now. I'll look for Hayato-kun later, definitely!

Classes ended quickly and I hurried. I looked for Hayato-kun everywhere but, he's gone..

I wanted to tell him too that I like him. I want to see him.. I felt a slight pain in my chest but, I chose to ignore it. I want to see you...

---The Next Day---

It's a normal school day but, I haven't seen Hayato-kun the whole day. He's avoiding me...

Just thinking about tha makes me heart sink. But then, the pain on my chest from yesterday seem to worsen. It hurts a little but, it's nothing compared to Hayato-kun avoiding me..

This chance has finally come! This is the start of our mutual love.. This is finally the time where I can finally be honest with my feelings with him.

That's why, I can't give up now. I'll definitely find him! But, where do I start looking for him?

After a few hours, I did not manage to find even the slightest clue about Hayato-kun. He's gone since that day..

Hayato-kun where did you go? Hurry up and come out. I want to tell you something... please...

Please Hayato-kun...

(Sound of Piano playing)

W-What's that? Wow... it feels so calm.. it's so comfortable... The pianist is really skilled..

But somehow, the music is slow and sad.. Why?

My feet started moving on its own. I believe the piece was Spotted Pardalotte, it's suppose to be a happy and energetic music..

But why, is it slow? Why is it sad? It shows confusion and regret..

My feet started running. I was not suppose to run. I was huffing and panting. My chest hurts. Where are feet taking me?

My ears followed the music, my feet runs to where the music came from, my eyes searches for that melody, and my skin feel so hyped up. I was so excited hoping to meet the skilled pianist.

Soon, my feet stopped. I stopped on the Music Room#2. My chest hurts so much and my vision becomes blurred.

My breathing was heavy. The sad music continues and it breaks my heart even more. Why is the pianist so sad?

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