13 | Is Your Face from McDonald's?

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«Madeline's POV»

I ran out the door closely after my Dad all whilst he was screaming at me. "You skipped work for a party?"

"You skipped job time for a make-out session?" I shot right back.

"Money is what we need right now, not getting drunk with idiots." Dad had a dark gleam in his eyes. That was NOT good.

"I'm not drunk, Dad."

"Really now?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Take me to the police office and get me a test, I don't care. I'm NOT freaking drunk."

"You should take care of yourself better." He ordered me.

"You should take care of your kids better. Speaking of which, where's Lux?"

"She's at a sleepover...I think, but I may have forgotten to drop her off."

"You're SO irresponsible!" I yelled at him. "You need to get your act together!"

We pulled into the driveway and dad picked me up by the back of the shirt and dragged me into the house. "Don't tell me what to do." He seethed and the next thing I knew I was getting whacked in the face, HARD. It hurt so frickin bad. Black spots danced before my eyes as dad threw a lamp at me. It missed by about an inch and shattered against the wall next to me.

The last thing I heard before the blackness overcame me was Lux screaming in horror.


I jolted back into reality as we pulled into Flynn's driveway. All the place reminded me of were the events of the night before. Cue the shudders. The doorway is where everything went wrong. Little did I know, a doorway was the place where Flynn's life had changed too. We entered, and it was eerily silent. Our footsteps echoed as we walked up the stairs and I felt like I was in a horror movie. Creepy, right?

Right. I'm always right.

"Do you always talk to yourself?" Flynn asked.

I blushed. "Don't you?"

"Touché." He grinned and majestically gestured to a door on our right. "Now, what you're about to see next is dangerous, so prepare yourself."

I rolled my eyes. "What is it, your room?"

"Yeah. You might want to cover your eyes, before you're blinded by it's awesomeness." He said.

"What are you, twelve?" I asked.

"Says the one who's not even five feet tall." He knows exactly how to insult me. Great. "Need a napkin? Cause you just got served."

"What, are we in fifth grade now?" As soon as I said it, I wanted to take it back because he obviously was going to have a good comeback.

"By the looks of you, yes." There it was.

I groaned. "Can we just start on the project?"

"I don't know, can we?" It looked like he decided to be annoying today. Just like every other day.

"May we please start the project?" I asked, making it sound as sarcastic as possible.

"I don't care," He said, pushing open the door. It was not what I was expecting at all. It was on one of the outer edges of the house, so a whole part of it was floor to ceiling windows. One of the panels opened to go out to the balcony, which of course, had a pool. On the inside, he had a corner where he could sit and do his work--if he ever actually did. A king-sized bed that looked super comfortable...okay, if I don't stop now, I'll keep rambling on. We'll just say it was very nice looking, which suits the person. WAIT. Did I seriously think that? Oh my god, what's happening to me?

"So, do you like it?" The guy in question asked, looking kind of nervous.

"Is that even a question?!" I exclaimed. "This is awesome!"

"Yeah, that's what I thought." He joked. "Okay, let's get started."

"Alright, so what are we going to do?"

"You'll see."

An hour later, I was outside on the balcony talking into a camera that Flynn had retrieved from one of the cubbies built into the wall. Basically I was just asking Flynn questions and he was answering them. It's pretty boring, but I have some random footage in the front of Flynn insulting me in the beginning that I figured the class would like.

Flynn, on the other hand, is going all out. He decided that the class would be more entertained if he made it into a 'movie trailer'. He's so stupid sometimes, but it could go either way. I mean, he could make it happen. I guess.

"So, Flynn. What is your biggest fear?" I asked him.

"I fear oblivion. I fear it like the proverbial blind man who's afraid of the dark." He answered and looked at me with a smirk.

"Did you just..."

"Quote 'The Fault in Our Stars'? Yeah, I did. It makes the ladies go wild."

"Oh my god." I face-palmed. "What's your problem?"


"What's one thing that you've always wanted to do?" I ignored his last comment and went on with my questions.

"Skydiving. I'm totally going for my birthday next year. You should come!"

"What makes you think I'd go anywhere with you?"

"Because you love me?" He grinned cheekily.

"In your dreams, loser." I grinned back.

"Girl, is your face from McDonald's?" Flynn winked.

"Cause you're loving it?" I winked right back at him.

"Because it's unhealthy to look at." He remarked.

"Okay, really?"

"Yeah, that's what I said." He challenged.

I shut the camera off. "Let's just edit the footage." So we did.

A/N: So I did

just upload this story

for you

bc im an angel

repeat after me:

kaylee is an angel

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