04 | Do You Have a Bandaid?

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(Gaige to the side-->)

«Flynn's POV»

I stupidly grinned as I watched Madeline walk off to class.

"How's it going, man?" Gaige slapped me on the back.

"Um, good I guess," I answered.

"No, I meant with the girl." He said.

"Same answer," I responded as we walked off to AP History.

"Are you guys bonding?"

"Okay, really? I met her YESTERDAY, Gaige. Give me some time! I'm not like you."

"And what am I like?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The 'I-hump-everything-that-resembles-a-female' type." I answered dryly.

"Touché." He laughed, putting his hands up in mock surrender.


After History, I had Life Skills class along with Gaige. I strode in confidently, and went to my seat in the back, stopping when I saw Madeline in the row next to mine.

"Why are you here? I know I'm sexy, but you don't need to stalk me." I stated.

"I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public." She grinned up at me, proud of her comeback. I've got to admit, it was a good one. "I've always been in this class."

"Oh," I said. "In that case, do you have a bandaid?"

"Because you scraped your knee falling for me?" She asked, finishing the pickup line-as always.

"Well, it was because of you. I just tripped over my own feet when I saw how ugly your face was."

She sighed. "You'll always be stupid."

"And you'll always be ugly."

A throat cleared. That's when I realized-the whole room was silent. Everybody was watching us, including the teacher, Mr. Clyde.


"As I was TRYING to say," Mr. Clyde gave Madeline and I a pointed look. "We're going to be working on a project, it's due in two weeks. The assignment is with a partner, you interview the person to get to know them better and make a presentation that you will show the whole class. And I already have an idea of who my first group will be."

And by that, my friends, he meant, "Madeline Schultz and Flynn Chaste are my first pair."

Gaige elbowed me. "Look, you guys are his OTP!"

I glared at him.

"Gaige Turner and Fawn Brooklyn are my next two."

I kicked Gaige. "Aw, look! He totally ships you guys!" I said in a high pitched voice.

He sent me a death glare of his own. Fawn was his worst enemy. They went head to head in verbal battles with the most extreme extremities. Lets just say that more than half of what they said should have been censored.

Fawn was an outspoken, yet shy girl. It makes no sense. How do I put this...she may have come across as shy at first, but once you got to know her, there was no filter to what she said.

It was kind of great.

"Get together with your partner, I'm handing out your first assignment." Mr. Clyde called out.

I loped over to Madeline, pencil in hand-accompanied by a devious grin. "Who's ready to party with the man of the hour?"

"Nobody's ever ready to face the idiotic mess that you call 'the man of the hour'." She replied.

"Aw, don't be such buzz-kill, Maddie. I have to say, nobody likes that personality. Well, either way nobody likes your personality." I fired back.

My comeback guns were loaded.

"Don't call me Maddie," She ground out through clenched teeth.

I quirked an eyebrow, wondering what caused the explosion.

"I really don't want to talk about it." She finalized as Mr. Clyde handed us our packet. It was full of questions to ask each other.

"You have the last ten minutes of class to get started." Mr. Clyde announced.

"Ugh," Madeline said, rifling through the packet. "These are the most boring questions ever."

"Agreed," I seconded. "Shall we?"

"We shall," She smiled. "Birthday?"

"May 6, 1997. You?"

"January 2, 1998." She told me.

"I'll remember that," I said seriously. "Favorite color?"


"Mine's orange." I said.

"Ew, I hate the color orange!" Madeline looked absolutely repulsed at the thought.

"Shut up, nobody asked for your input."

"Actually, the next question is: What is your least favorite color?" She responded.

"You should write a book about it-oh wait, NO ONE CARES!" I said wittily.

"Real mature, Chaste. Real mature." Madeline muttered.

"I believe I have won this argument. We should keep a tally! Hmm, I think the scoreboard is about...Flynn-5, Madeline-2." I informed her.

"I've probably won more than two arguments!" She said indignantly.

"Key word: probably, not definitely. Therefore we are sticking with the current score formulated by the brilliant Flynn Blaise Chaste."

"And by brilliant, you mean brilliantly stupid, I'm assuming." She spat.

"No, by brilliant, I mean smarter than you'll ever be-by a LONG SHOT." I spat right back.

Suddenly, the bell rang. Crap, we argued for like ten minutes straight.

"This is due tomorrow!" Mr. Clyde yelled as we swarmed out of the classroom.

"Not for me," I muttered under my breath.

A/N: teehee I think I like this book

uGH waking up at 5:50 is not working for me

I ain't about that life

ew high school...

*raven voice* ya nasty

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