Chapter thirty-one

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No one P.o.v

Dulcalin tried to reach for his artifacts but the one of Encres shadows that cried reached for his arms and ripped them off clean. He would scream if he could. people looked at Encre they no longer believed that this was their Encre but it was.

"What do you mean he's not you brother?" Someone asked

"He was adopted into our family but he never saw me as more than a partner as in the unstoppable on the battlefield the two friends that always would have each other's back no matter what," Encre said

"Who the hell are you?" Crystal asked. Reaper knew the truth about the Spark family. He knew just as much as Encre did.

"I'm a Spark and I never asked to be one," Encre said tears went up into her eyes. One lone tear made there way down her chek other sone joined the lone tear.

"What do you mean?" Felicia asked. Everyone calmed a bit by seeing Encres tears meaning that this actually was their Encre. 

"Like vampires need blood to survive do Sparks need something coming from a living creature too," Encre said as more tears left her eye. People just looked at the crying girl. Dulcalin was beginning to turn to dust showing a soul the crying one of Encres shadows took before it could disappear. 

"We need souls," Encre said. The only one that wasn't shocked was reaper that walked a bit closer.

"not any soul will do though, they have to be darker than the comforting darkness. Which is the only comfort we get. We kill people that even hell would be a mercy in order to survive," Encre said her voice beginning to shake. she looked down not caring if she looked weak not caring if anyone saw the guilt she felt for surviving. Her shadows all prepared the soul for the hell of being eaten.

"How often do you have to eat?" Eterna asked she could never have guessed that her best friend through many years would live in a pang of constant guilt.

"once every hundred year, each shadow is someone I already ate," Encre cried. The soul was ready and she was about to leave.

"How are you still alive?" Crystal asked

"A Spark can't die before there is a child to take their place and the only way for them to die is if their child eats their soul, " Encre said. She walked backwards into a shadow and disappeared into the darkness and reappeared one the battlefield filled with dust and rotting corpses. Encre took the soul and slowly began to consume it. In the village, people didn't know what to do some people wanted her out of the kingdom while others wanted her to stay because they knew they could trust her. Fallacy fought together with Eterna, Crystal, three of the Alfas, Asgore, The vampire council, the half of the village, and almost every vampire to make Encre stay. while everyone else wanted her to either get raped and killed or just make her leave. If only they knew.

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