Chaotic Car Ride

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In the past two weeks, we moved out of our college dorms and into an apartment complex, and yes all of us moved into the same apartment complex. I began feeling dizzy as I stood in Jimin and my room as we both finishing packing our last things to go to (random amusement park/ resort thing). I keep throwing up even when I'm not hungover and I don't know why Jimin just thinks I'm sick but I'm not sure. "You okay?" Jimin asked noticing me staring off into space. "I feel sick again," I said and sat down on the bed since I was getting dizzier and felt like I could fall over. Before Jimin could say anything there were extremely loud knocks on the door. "I've got it," Jimin said and walked out of the room and going to open the door of our apartment. "Where is Y/N?" I heard someone whose voice I could recognize as Talia's yell. "In our room but..," is all Jimin said before Talia burst into the room I was in.

"Are you... Wow you look really out of it," Talia said and as her face went from excited to concerned. "I just feel sick and dizzy I'm fine," I said doing my best to smile realistically. "Are you sure your good?" Talia asked walking over and sitting on the bed next to me. "I'm sure," I said trying to smile even bigger. "I feel like your not telling the truth," Talia said giving me a serious but curious expression. "I'm not lying. What did you come to tell me?" I said changing the subject. "Oh yeah, I came to ask if you were ready to go, the others are putting their luggage in the car," Talia said smiling once again. "I just finished packing actually and Jimin did too," I said making Talia smile bigger. "I'm so happy we get to go on a trip together like we always planned," Talia said standing up and putting her hand out to help me up. "You ready to go sit in the car for hours," Talia joked and I took her hand hopping up and getting my stuff ready to go.

*Time skip*

Tae, Jungkook, Jimin, Talia, Yoongi and I sat in a van, Yoongi and I both falling asleep. Jungkook was driving and Tae was in the passenger seat. In the next row we had Yoongi and me and in the last row was Jimin and Talia. Jimin wanted to sit next to me and so did Talia, but when Yoongi threatened to beat them up if I couldn't sit next to him they decided to sit in the back.
The only reason Yoongi liked the idea of sitting next to me was that he knew I wouldn't try to annoy or talk to him and we would both listen to music and nap. I slowly started falling asleep listening to one of my favorite artists, my head slowly fell onto Yoongi's shoulder and he didn't mind, I bet Jimin did though.

I was almost asleep when Tae yelled for the tenth time in the past hour "How much longer?" "If you don't shut the fuck up I am going to slap the shit out of you," Yoongi said as he watched me get startled and pull my head off his shoulder quickly. I pulled one of my earbuds out of my ear and yawned feeling more tired then before, "If you ask that question one more time in the next three hours I am going to smack you," I said and put my earbud back in my ear closing my eyes and letting my head fall back on Yoongi's shoulder. 'I knew he wouldn't say that again anytime soon' I thought as I drifted off to sleep.


"Get your lazy ass home before I come and find you' the text said my father on my fourteenth birthday. I read the text and didn't reply,' You don't want that' the next text said from my father. I sat on a bench in the park watching as couples walked by at around 10 at night. The calming sounds of the frogs, crickets, and birds made me feel relaxed. I ignored my father's texts and placed my constantly vibrating phone down on the bench next to me and sighed. "Why can't I seem to hate you?" I asked myself very quietly thinking about my father. Time went by as I sat on the bench just listening to things going on around me tuning out my thoughts, the park got really quiet as people had begun no longer walking by. I look at the beautiful full moon one more time before looking down at the bench next to me and looking at my phone that was faced down and then picking it up. 

My Savior (BTS Jimin X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon