Suga's Confession

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"Dad," I called out when I walked into his room at the age of ten. "What do you want you little piece of shit?" my father said in an angry tone. "Sorry for bothering you but I need help with my homework," I said knowing it probably wasn't the best idea but I really just wanted my dad back. "Do it on your own dumb ass," He said and pointed towards the door of his bedroom signaling me to get out. "Please," I begged hoping maybe he would help me once like he used to. "Get the fuck out of my room Y/N," he said referring to me as my name for the first time since mom left. "Please, I just," is all I said before I was slapped across the face by my father for the first time.

"Get the fuck out of my room, maybe kill yourself in the process," my father stated making tears begin to form in my eyes. "Dad, I need you in my life right now, please just help me," I begged letting a tear slip down my face. "I don't want you nor need you so get out," he said and I finally gave up and walked out of his room. I had heard that harming yourself makes yourself feel better I thought as I got in the shower and looked at my razor. "Maybe this once," I said under my breath picking up the razor and making the biggest mistake of my life. I slid it across my wrist and yelped in pain as tears ran down my face. Yes, I was a ten-year-old hurting myself but it felt relieving. "Maybe a couple more," I said in a whisper.

A couple more cuts turned into ten and there I was sitting in my shower watching the blood run down both my wrist crying wishing it would all end. I got out of the shower wrapped up my wrist and put the only long sleeve pajamas that I owned that just so happened to be Christmas pajamas. That night was the first night I got one hour of sleep and the only way I fell asleep was crying so hard I got tired. That was also the day I started my addiction called self-harm. I woke up when I heard my door slam open. "Wake up so I can get you the fuck out of my house," My dad said and walked out of my room slamming the door on the way out. I stood up and sighed "at least I don't have to be home," I said thinking out loud as I walked to my closet.

I decided to wear a long sleeve solid black shirt that sleeved were so long that they covered my hands. I also chose a pair of black jeans and black converse that were worn out. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my hair out tiredly not looking in the mirror. I looked into the mirror for the first time and I looked awful, I looked emotionally and physically drained. I didn't have the time or energy to make myself look decent so I just grabbed my book bag that was in the corner of my room and walked out to find my dad standing at the door. "Your walking to school," my dad said then walked out the door without another word. I just walked out the door and tried to remember the way and within a half an hour I had finally arrived and walked into class late.

"Sorry I'm late," I said."Because this is your first time late Ms. Y/N I'm giving you a warning, don't be late again. Now take your seat," my teacher said not even looking at me. We were about to go to lunch so I went to walk over to my friend "What do you want," Chin-sun said rudely. "Did I do something wrong," I asked confused. "You are just annoying and none of us can stand you anymore," she said and my three other friends agreed. "Sorry," I said walking away. I sat at lunch by myself every single day for the rest of the year.

Out of nowhere, I was no longer at school or ten I was my age now in the living room. "Why are you so annoying?" Jimin asked looking pissed. "I'm sorry, please don't leave me I need you," I begged. "I don't love you anymore," Jimin said making me fall on the ground and sob.

I opened my eyes and shot up straight in my bed and began sobbing loudly. The dream felt too real, what if he is going to leave me I thought as my door shot open hitting the wall with a loud bang making me jump. "What happened?" Suga yelled barging into my room. Jimin ran past him and jumped on my bed and sat up pulling me into his embrace and letting me cry into his chest. "Hey, what's wrong?" Jimin whispered in my ear in a soothing voice. "Please don't leave me," I said loudly into his chest. "I'll never leave you," Jimin said in a stern but still soothing voice. "I can't lose you," I said showing how truly scared I was that he would leave me.

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