Her Father

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After a long time of running, I finally saw a faint light from my porch and my father's car. I had run the whole way, the whole way here I was trying to think of another place to go then home, I couldn't think of one. Why can't my life just be semi-normal? Why can't I just be happy? Why does no one care? Before I even stepped into my house I stopped crying so my father wouldn't make fun of me then started preparing myself for the worst.

I slammed open the front door and tried to sprint to my room before my father could grab hold of me but it was too late. A strong grip grabbed hold of my arm, I tried to break free from the grip but I couldn't, I stopped fighting for freedom and just gave in, there was nothing I could do but wait for what happened next. I was spun around and was forced to make eye contact with the owner of the hand gripping on to my wrist, I wasn't surprised to see my father with bloodshot eyes staring at me like he was ready to kill me.

I wanted to escape my everyday life, I wanted to escape here, for a matter of time I thought I did, but I'm back here looking at my father who would rather be dead than look at me every day. I hated coming home knowing I had a chance of not leaving that house alive, he looked extra pissed.

I don't deserve to be happy I guess, every time I'm close to having something that makes my life semi-normal like love or happiness, it's taken away. I just want to give up, the only one keeping me from ending my life just made me want to end my life more than before.

"Where the hell have you been you slut?" my father yelled loud enough to make my ears ring. I didn't reply, "Use your god damn mouth you worthless piece of shit, I will ask you one more time, where the fuck have you been?" He yelled just as loud maybe even louder than last time. I tried to open my mouth to say something but no words would come out, I closed my eyes and waited to be hit, I didn't get punched.

At first, he just chuckled till he said " I was hoping you would take the hint and just get it over with and kill yourself but I guess you were just to dumb," he said and his fist finally collided with my face causing me to fall back into the wall. I felt so dizzy, I could feel blood dripping down my face but I didn't even wipe it off because I knew there would be more soon. I used the wall to help me gain balance but that didn't last long. I was kicked in the leg hard enough to cause me to collapse to the floor with a loud bang and a wince.

" You remind me so much of your mother, always acting like nothing was wrong when her world was falling apart in front of her, I wouldn't be surprised if you started cheating on the person that cared about you more than life itself just like her," he said. After he said that statement I decided to stop fighting, I didn't care anymore. He kicked me and punch me and yelled things at me just reminding me how ugly I was and how no one cares about me or ever will. Even though he was probably right the words still hurt worse than his punches. I just wanted to vanish, I closed my eyes and just let tears roll down my face.

Punch after kick after punch it was getting harder to breathe, the pain was getting hard to bare, I had started coughing up blood, and everything started going black.

The last thing I heard before blacking out was "you ruined my life, you aren't even my child, you tore your mother and me apart. I wish you were never born, the world would be a better place if you weren't here." I wish this wasn't the only time he mentioned my mother. I wish I knew before he wasn't my real father. He is probably just insane though, right?

Jimin's POV

I heard crying and yelling coming from the house I saw Y/N run into. I opened the door and walked in just to see Y/N on the floor being kicked and punched by a man I was assuming was her father. He was stilling yelling at her even though she didn't seem to be awake.

I ran up to the man and pushed him up against the wall and yelled "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU," then punched him in the face so hard he blacked out after one punch. After that I quickly ran to Y/N and checked her pulse, I was relieved to feel that she was still alive. I picked her up bridal style and ran as fast as I could to the only house I knew would help me, Talia's house. I knew Y/N was mad at me but I didn't care the slightest.

She is the only reason I am able to smile every day. I didn't realize but at some point, tears had begun running down my face, no matter how hard I tried I knew I couldn't stop the tears. To make this whole situation better it started raining causing me to become cold. I wanted to just collapse and just give up and cry with Y/N in my arms but I had to save her, I care about her so much. After a little while longer of running, I got to Talia's house and started kicking the door since I had Y/N in my arms, I didn't really care how much my legs hurt. After a minute or so of me kicking the door Talia's mom finally answered, she looked at me and was about to say something till she saw me holding a badly beat up Y/N.

She said nothing and motioned me to come in and just pointed to the couch at a loss for words and ran for a phone. I ran to the couch and lied Y/N down and just looked at her crying hoping she would be okay. After a short time, we finally heard sirens. Talia came running down the stairs and looked around, she had a very short time to take everything going on in. She ran to the door opening it and people came running and picked up Y/N and I watched as she was put in an ambulance. Police asked me questions like, how did this happened and who did this, I answered the best I could. The rest was kinda a blur other than Talia and her parents driving me to the hospital and Talia's parents trying to convince us both that everything would be okay even though they were just as panicked as us.

Please hold on Y/N, I can't lose you, I need you.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was kinda short.

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