Saved For The First Time

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Jimin's POV

"Why do you have so many bruises?" I ask with a concerned tone. Her facial expression dropped and she went back to looking at the ground. She then mumbled

"I've got to go, I'm sorry" she then left without another word. When she left she turned around one last time and I swear I saw a tear. I soon shook that thought away and started thinking about how could she have so many bruises. Y/N is way too pretty for bruises, she seems really kind too. She had beautiful H/C hair, her E/C eyes that I could stare into for hours, Her perfect face shape and the way her hair complemented it so well. She wears baggy clothes but I bet her body shape is just as perfect. You could say she is flawless. Why am I thinking about this? My thoughts were interrupted when my phone vibrated. I look at my phone and see my friend had texted me "Where are you?" the text read. I then remembered I was supposed to meet my friends. I whisper shit under my breath and ran out of the library at full speed with Y/N still on my mind.


After I ran out of the library I went to the roof to be greeted by the worst of the worst BTS, the members being Kim Taeyhung know as V, Kim Namjoon known as RM, Kim Seokjin known as Jin, Jung Hoseok known as J-Hope, Jeon Jeongguk known as Jungkook, and last but not least Min Yoongi known as Suga.

"Fuck, this isn't going to be good" I say under my breath.

"What was that ugly." RM the leader of BTS says.

"Nothing you should know" I reply stupidly.

"So you want to be a smart ass," Suga says coming out from behind RM. That's when I knew it was going to get a whole lot worse. Then I hear the door to the roof open, I turn my attention to see who opened the door and saw Jimin, the new kid. I then looked back just in time to see Jungkook's fist collide with my face.

Jimin's POV

I kept running until the door with the sign above it that said roof. I open the door and start walking up the stairs leading to the roof. I then heard a familiar voice say "what was that ugly" I then started running up the stairs. As I'm running up the stairs I hear another familiar voice say "So you want to be a smart ass." I get up the stairs and slam open the door to see Y/N and my 6 friends. I guess the door slamming open caught Y/N's attention so she looked to see who opened the door I'm assuming. She then turned around just in time to see my friend Jungkook punch her in the face.

She then fell to the ground and the second she hit the ground RM says "no one will ever love you, you worthless, weak, piece of shit."

"STOP," I yell at the top of my lungs.

"Oh, Jimin you're here, It's been a while," RM says walking away from Y/N closer to me. RM then puts his hands up telling V to do something, I couldn't tell what. Then V kicks Y/N in the stomach causing Y/N to groans in pain. I make eye contact with Y/N and her eyes were full of fear and sadness. I had to stop this. He was about to do another signal but I grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"What are you doing? She deserves this" RM says to me furiously.

"No one deserves this, you know what happened to me, don't be like them" I exclaim.

"Fine" RM says then turns around and tells the guys its time to leave but then grins. I knew he wasn't going to stop but at least I got him to stop this time. The door then closes meaning their gone, and it's just Y/N and me.

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