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Jungho's POV

I ran after Y/N leaving the others behind not really caring if my mom would be worried that I wasn't gonna come on time. I stopped in front of a familiar house seeing the door was open, I saw Y/N crying but she looked spaced out."Y/N," I said, it accidentally came out as a whisper, she seemed to still have heard me as she turned around. Tears streamed down her face and that's when I realized where we were, I look around and it's my old house when my parents were still together, it was so broken down looking. "Dad is gone," Y/N said her voice cracking from the tears rolling down her face. 

All of a sudden memories went through my head of all the good times with dad. "What do you mean?" I asked. "He committed suicide in jail, he shot himself with one of the guard's guns that he somehow stole." She replied and started sobbing. "How do you know this?" I asked fighting back tears. "I got a call the day that Jimin and I got in our first extreme argument, V was comforting me while I was crying and I got a call and questioned if I should answer and I did. They told me that my father had passed away and I bet no one thinks that it would hurt me as bad as it did. 

After all, he was in jail because he abused me, Right? I'm the reason he ended up in jail so I guess his death is kind of fault," She said through sobs. "Don't blame yourself for something you didn't do, he did this himself you had nothing to do with his death," I said now crying walking over to her and pulling her in my embrace as we both cried. I cried harder then I have in a long time, accepting the fact my wish for everything to go back to the way it was would never happen.

Jimin's POV

We heard the door open and Talia and the rest of BTS shot up off the couch to go see if Y/N had finally come home. We were all worried as hell, she wouldn't answer her phone and we had no clue where she was. We were glad to see Y/N was the one who opened the door but not so glad to see the state she was in. She looked exhausted and emotionally drained, she looked like she had cried for hours but she still was about to cry. For the first time since I've met her, she looked emotionless, broken even. She made eye contact with me and smiled a really weak smile, it almost looked like a neutral expression the smile was so small. 

"What happened?" Jin said really concerned. "He's gone," is all she said before she collapsed on the closest person to her, that person being Suga and started crying into his shirt. "Who's gone?" J hope asked sounding confused, this whole situation was kind of confusing. "My father, he committed suicide," she said crying even harder than before. V pulled her off Suga and pulled her into his embrace, I don't think she really cared who she was crying on, she really just needed someone to wrap their arms around her and say everything gonna is okay. 

I don't think anyone had the heart to lie to her like that though, her father was gone, people at school always make rude comments about her, and she was sexually harassed a month ago as well, I don't think she or her life is gonna be okay anytime soon. "It's gonna be okay," Talia says to Y/N looking understanding and sincere. No one said anything, all we heard was the muffled sobs of Y/N crying into V's chest.

Y/n's POV

I didn't feel like doing anything anymore, I felt almost emotionless, I wanted to feel something other than the sadness raging inside me. I hate this feeling, the feeling of nothing but extreme sadness, I started becoming happier and escaping this hell of being broken but it's all comeback. I was sad when I heard the news from that jail, but now I was so sad and I couldn't stop crying. Tae picked me up while I was still crying and started taking me somewhere with Jimin and Talia following him. A door opened and then I saw a blurry image of my room, the tears I was crying made it almost impossible to see. I was laid down on my soft mattress, everything was silent except for my now quiet sobs. 

"Do you want to be left alone?" Talia asked quietly. I just nodded and soon the door was open and shut leaving me alone in my room. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't seem to stop myself from crying. I stand up and walk to the bathroom still crying and look in the mirror and all I can see is a slightly blurry me in the mirror. 'I bet they want you to be dead like your father' rang through my head as I looked in the mirror. My vision slowly started to go back to normal as I ran out of tears to cry, I look in the mirror and there I was in the mirror, my face was red and so were my eyes, there were bags under my eyes almost making it look like I had black eyes, there were stains from the tears I cried on my face, I looked so broken.

 I took off my jacket and examined all the scars I had on my arms from the nights all I wanted to do was feel something other than my sadness. I started scanning the bathroom counter and stopped as my eyes met the sleeping medication I never took. I picked the bottle up and I remembered the last time I stood in this same place with the same bottle in my hands in my old house. Last time I put the bottle down and forgot about what I was thinking but this time that wasn't my intention, I wasn't going to put this bottle down till it was empty. I thought of BTS, Jimin, and Talia as I took the cap off the bottle, will they miss me I thought, I was about to put the bottle down like I said I wouldn't but then 'they never cared about you' rang through my head an obnoxious amount of times.

 I looked in the mirror one last time then looked back down and poured the pills in my hand and placed the pill bottle on the counter. 'You won't be missed' was the last thing I thought before I put all the pills in my mouth. I was attempting to swallow the pills dry but before I could the bathroom door swung open and there stood a worried Jimin. Jimin ran over to me and yelled at me "Spit the pills out Y/N." I nodded my head "Please," Jimin said quietly looking at me on the verge of tears. I did nothing "I can help you through this," Jimin said grabbing my hands still trying to convince me to spit the pills out. "Please, for me, I love you, I can't lose you," is the last thing Jimin said before I turned to the sink and spit out every single pill I had in my mouth out into the sink. Jimin turned me to face him and tear rolled down his face but he still smiled a weak smile at me signaling that his tears were tears of relief and worry. He pulled me into his embrace and I felt safe, I didn't fight my tears and just let them fall and leave tear stains on Jimin shirt.

Tae's POV

We all sat on the couch quiet when Jimin got up without saying anything, nobody bothered to ask him where he was going. We heard a muffled scream from upstairs, we didn't bother to get up till Talia shot her head up and looked at RM "Am I the only one who heard what Jimin said?" she asked looking worried. "It kind of just sounded like a muffled scream," Jungkook said and we all agreed. "Maybe I'm wrong but I think Jimin said something along the lines of spit it out," Talia said and RM smirked. "No not like that you idiot," Talia said hitting RM on the arm knowing RM was thinking something wrong. "If your curious just go up and go see what's going on," Suga said too lazy to get up. "I'm kind of worried as well, I'll come with you," Jin said. Talia nodded then stood up with Jin and then walked around the corner.

Talia's POV

"Why is Namjoon so dirty minded?" I asked Jin rolling my eyes. "You think he is dirty minded now wait till you hear what he looks at online," Jin replied. Our conversation stops as we walk into Y/N's room and see no one at first so we walk farther into the room and see Y/N crying into Jimin's chest. I didn't think much of what was going on till I saw pills in the sink, my mouth dropped open. I look over to Jin and he just looks concerned and worried. Y/N and Jimin didn't seem to notice us so we slowly and quietly walked out of the room. When we shut the door I look over to Jin "Y/n tried to commit suicide," I whisper to Jin as a tear of sadness and pure concern rolled down my face. 


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I will try to make the next chapter longer. Also to find the main picture for this chapter I looked up crying Jimin and now I'm upset. 

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