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Another major graduation passed and I was finally out of school and I could spend the rest of my life with my soulmate/husband Park Jimin and maybe try to find a music career. I mean that is what I studied for four years with Jimin, Yoongi, Tae, and Jungkook at my side. Just because I didn't have classes with everyone else didn't mean I didn't hang out with them every chance I got. That wasn't often though since I refused to leave my room till my work was done. All around college was pretty great, I loved hanging out with RM and Talia, for the girl who used to hate PDA she seems to cuddle with RM all the time. It's weird to think 6 years ago Jimin had to force me to spit pills into the sink as I was sobbing not wanting to be here anymore.

Everyone seemed so worried about me, I couldn't blame them I did spend most of my college nights getting wasted. As for Taekook, they are getting married soon and for Yoonseok they are still a very happy couple just reaching there 4th year of dating. Jin and his girlfriend Della did well at keeping a long distance relationship for four years but now that we all are done with college Jin and his girlfriend will get to live together. Here we all are now sitting at a bar on college graduation night getting drunk as a celebration. Jimin arm was wrapped around my waist as we sat at a giant table with 10 other people chatting about random shit.

"Remember when Namjoon broke the door to the dorm room?" Talia said drunk giggling. "All I did was try to open the door," RM said still sober. "Then you tried to make Yoongi and Jin fix it," I added laughing. "When did we decide we would make fun of me," Rm complained making Talia and I laugh harder. "Do you remember when Y/N broke the desk when placing her books on it," RM said trying to change the subject to me. "Hey, it was already broken before I put the books on it," I slurred out. "You also broke a lamp trying to turn it on," Jimin added. "Shut up," I said slapping him on the arm weakly. "At least I didn't fall while presenting something to the class," I said to Jimin. "The floor was slippery," Jimin lied. "Yeah right," Jungkook said making everyone start laughing but Jimin and himself.

"I hate you," Jimin said to me joking around fake pouting. "I know you love me," I said smiling. "I love you more than anything," Jimin said leaning over and pecking me on the lips. "Ew," Talia said with a disgusted look on her face. "You can't say anything, Talia, you act like you haven't done this with RM," I said making Talia go silent and place her hands over her face to hide the fact she was blushing. Jimin picks up his beer next to him and takes a sip then places it back down. "You should chug it," Jungkook says to Jimin. "Is that a dare?" Jimin asked looking at Jungkook. "Yes," Jungkook replied giving Jimin a smug smile. Jimin looks at me and smiles asking if I care if he did it or not. "Go for it," I said smiling at him. Jimin turned and looked at the beer then sighed and picked it up. He brought the beer up to his face, took one more breath, shrugged, then began chugging the beer.

He placed the beer down when it was empty with a loud thud looked at Jungkook then gave him a smug smile. As everyone else was talking and praising how quickly Jimin chugged his beer, none of us sober anymore, I slowly grew quiet. I always would have flashbacks but I very rarely remembered them, I would always be too drunk at the time I had them to remember them.


I walked in my house expecting to see my mother cooking but I didn't, dad wasn't downstairs and Jungho had been gone for a while, I was just nine at the time. "Mom, dad?" I yelled confused wondering if anyone was home. My father then walked out of the bathroom that was downstairs and slammed the door open startling me. "What do you want?" My dad yelled at me, slurring. "Are you okay?" I asked becoming concerned and very confused. "No, because you are the fucking fault your mother is never coming back you shit head," My dad yelled at me loud enough that a dog down the block started barking.

"What do you mean?" I said tearing up because I hated when people yelled at me, I would later get used to being yelled at though. "Your mother left and she isn't coming back, it's self-explanatory dumb ass," My dad said sounding irritated. "How is that my fault?" I asked a tear I no longer could hold back slipping down my face. "We got a divorce and it was because of you, you're not my child," My father said once again yelling. "You are a fucking mistake," my father yelled so loud it made my ears ring. "I wish you were never born, your mother would still love me if you weren't born," My father yelled beginning to cry picking up a beer bottle from the table next to the couch that I used to watch dumb animated shows on with Jungho.

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