The Start of a Semi-Normal life

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Jimin's POV

I sat in a chair next to a dead looking Y/N, she wasn't moving or smiling and I hated it. Her father is really going to regret hurting Y/N. If someone doesn't make him aware of that soon I will myself and I don't think he wants that. I couldn't stop thinking of the scene of Y/N sitting on the floor covered in blood looking lifeless while her father punched her. It was killing me, the more the scene replayed in my mind the harder it was to hold back my tears. I wasn't the only one in the hospital room that Y/N was in, Talia's parents, Talia, and BTS were all there. I called BTS because they may treat Y/N poorly but they are still my friends and I really needed them right now. The second they heard how this happened they all felt so bad, they were always so jealous of Y/N, they thought her life was perfect and all the things they did would never affect her, they have never been so wrong, everyone has never been so wrong.

 How could I not tell this was happening, Why am I so dumb? She showed so many signs, she hated when I mentioned her house, every time I mentioned going to her house for once she wouldn't even have to think to tell me, no, and she always had bruises. I sighed even with other people there nothing could take my mind off of everything going on, I couldn't even force a slight smile on to my face. A tear finally escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheek, I hated not being able to be strong. I haven't left this seat since I sat down, and it wasn't my plan too until Y/N had woken up, it had already been 6 hours. I wanted nothing more than for her to wake up, to see her smile, and hear her adorable laugh again, I just wanted her to be okay.

 I couldn't hold my tears anymore and just broke down letting the tears pour down my face. Talia had just met Y/N but I could tell she already cared for Y/N so deeply. Talia started crying as well, even BTS had some tears roll down their eyes. Talia hugged me and I hugged her back, we stayed in each other embrace for who knows how long just crying our eyes out. BTS and Talia's parents just watched Y/N laying in the hospital bed sleeping peacefully for the first time in who knows how long.


I watched as little I ran around my house smiling, my mom who I haven't seen in forever was arguing with my father. "What are you telling me she isn't my kid," my father yelled. "I'm sorry," my mother said with tears running down her face. "Get out of my house you slut!" my father yelled. That was the last time I had ever seen my mother, but I didn't remember it since I was young and always tried to forget it. Why am I remembering it now? What my father yelled before I passed out earlier then rang through my head. I finally got why I was remembering this moment. I'm not his kid, am I? What my father said I no longer heard, I shot up and saw BTS, Jimin, Talia's parents, and Talia. It took a couple of seconds to realize I was laying in a hospital. I didn't care the slightest right now about what happened between Suga and Jimin that night I really just wanted to feel Jimin's warm embrace.

 My wish came true as Jimin noticed I was awake and jumped up and hugged me with tears streaming down his face. Talia did the same and it became a group hug between Talia, Jimin, and I. Everyone had stopped what they were doing, Talia's mom ran out and I'm assuming went to go tell the doctor I had finally woken up. Talia and Jimin were still crying but it was no longer tears of sadness and was now tears of happiness. The doctor came in and did some check-ups, "you are lucky you didn't have any broken bones or internal injuries. I will come in later and let you know when you are free to go home," The doctor said before walking out of the room with Talia's parents following. " Can I talk to Y/N... alone," Jimin said. Without another word, everyone left the room leaving Jimin and me alone. When we heard the door close Jimin said "Why didn't you tell me?" in a sad and tired tone. "I didn't want you to worry about me and I also thought I could... handle it.... on.. my own," I struggled to say. 

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