High School graduation

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*1 year and I don't know how many months later*


"You ready to leave this hell hole?" Jimin asked everyone in the car. Talia, Jimin, RM, Jin, Suga, Doyoung, and I were all in one car in our caps and gown with suits and dresses under them ready to graduate high school. The rest of BTS and Jungho were in the other car probably laughing about something dumb knowing them. "As long as all of us stay in touch," I said nervously we would grow apart. "Do you think any of us would just let us grow apart," Talia said. "Good point," I said as we pulled up to the busy high school. 

I got out of the car and Jimin grabbed my hand and we swung our arms back and forth. Talia and Namjoon were holding hands and so was Vkook. J-hope ran up to Suga and grabbed his hand, they had started dating around a year ago,(Yes Sope/Yoonseok happened) Jin's girlfriend of only five months ran up to him and they hugged. "You guys ready to graduate," J-hope asked smiling widely. We all applied for the same college that had programs for each of the things we were interested in because we were just that kind of friend group and we all surprisingly got excepted which made me happy. We all split up so we could sit in our assigned places.

Jimin's POV

I don't think Talia or Y/N know what's going to happen after dinner," I said to RM. "I wonder what their reactions are going to be," RM said. "No clue but I'm excited," I said walking away from RM to find my seat.

Third person POV

They all got called up one after the other getting their diplomas getting ready to move on the next chapter of their lives, even if you couldn't tell, they were all worried but excited. Y/N looked at Jimin who was smiling at her once she got called up, she looked at her promise ring that was on her left hand and walked up shook the principles hand and walking back and sat down with her diploma. Everyone had their diploma and they all threw up their caps saying goodbye to Infires high school.


I found Jimin in the crowd of students and parents and ran up to him "I did it," I yelled excitedly running into Jimin's arms. He picked me up and spun me around placing me back down on the ground after. He grabbed my hand and looked at the promise ring he gave me almost two years ago. "We all did it," he said looking back at me then smiling a giant smile. "Let's go to the car we have a graduation dinner to go to," Jimin said grabbing my hand and running through the crowd finding all our friends at the car along with Talia's parents. "Congratulations everyone," Talia's mom said. "We should let you guys go to dinner," Talia's father said and winked at Jimin and RM which confused me.

I could tell it confused Talia as well. We got in the same car we arrived in and went to a fancy restaurant. We all took off our robes or gowns whatever they're called and left them in the car leaving us in our suits and dresses. "I don't know why but I'm really going to miss that high school," I said grabbing Jimin's hand. "I'm going to miss it too," Jimin said. We walked into the busy restaurant filled with graduates "How many?" the waitress asked. "12," RM answered (Jin's girlfriend is there). "Follow me," The waitress said. "How the heck is there not a wait," I whispered into Jimin's ear making him chuckle. We all sat down at a table, well three tables combined.

*Time skip*

"That was a really good dinner," Jin said and we all agreed. "I don't know if this night could get any better," I said smiling. "Can I take you somewhere Y/N?" Jimin asked looking me in the eyes. "Of course," I replied. "I'll see you guys back at the house," Jimin said and grabbed my hand and began leading me somewhere. "Wait before we go any farther," Jimin said stopping and pulling a blindfold out of his back pocket. "I need to put this on you," he said putting it over my eyes the tied it. He grabbed my hand again and slowly started leading me to I don't know where. We walked for a while until I heard doors opening and closing.

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