Figuring Out

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Jimin's POV

It's been a month since Y/N and I met, she has come to my house every day my parents weren't home (not supposed to be taken in a weird way). We always do the same things, joke around and watch movies, then she leaves with the same scared expression every time. She's becoming my best friend, I get along with her a lot more than I ever did with BTS, then again I never really had time to spend with them, I was always too busy.

People found out Y/N and I were never dating and it went back to the same way it was when I first got here, throwing notes, getting beaten up, and getting insults yelled at her by different people throughout the day. No matter how hard I try there is nothing I can do to stop any of those things from happening. I really wish it would stop because I see that her smile is getting faker every day.

She always says there's nothing wrong but I can tell she is lying. She doesn't eat much but I'm not that worried because I can't really see her body shape from the baggy clothes she is wearing. I'm starting to get a little more worried though because one day we were messing around and she fell off the couch and her shirt went up just enough for me to see that she was so thin you could see her ribs but she keeps denying it ever happened.

It might be a dream though, I've been getting really bad dreams about Y/N since the first day I met her and she left my house worried, I can remember them like they actually happened. These dreams always start with her walking into a house that might be hers but I've never been there before so I have no idea how it would be in my dream. The second she walks into her house a guy that seems much older than her, throws a bottle at her head that always causes her to fall.

She then gets beat by the same guy till she is coughing up blood and can't move anymore. It then skips to her laying in bed with a razor to her wrist sobbing as she begins cutting her wrist over and over again as she watches the blood run down her wrist, then I wake up and instantly break down.

The dream always makes me cry no matter how many times it happens I never get less upset when I wake up. I know it's not real but something tells me I'm wrong and it is real. I use to feel the same way Y/N felt in my dream, useless, ugly, and like I had no purpose but it never got to the point where I cut my wrist. Y/N has changed the way I think about myself for the better. She makes sure to compliments me every day but I have no clue why. I always believe her compliments, I've never believed any ones complements but when your getting complimented by someone so pretty you got to believe it.


I'm always so tired every day, all day and no amount of sleep can help the tiredness I feel. I don't feel like doing anything anymore and Jimin is starting to get suspicious. It's getting really hard to hide the pain I feel and the bruises but I somehow always manage to do so. It's even harder to hide my cuts. I went back to my old addiction, it was never my plan to go back to self-harm but things never go as planned when it comes to me.

I don't know how much longer I can continue with the lie I am fine when I feel like I could break any second. To make my life even better my home life and school are getting worse and worse as the days go on. The only good thing I have in my life is Jimin and I know he will leave me soon like everyone else. Every day my pain becomes worse and worse and it is getting hard to bare but as long as Jimin is here I believe I can make it.

*Present Time*

Jimin's POV

I woke up today after having the same dream, after calming down from crying I get up, take a shower and get dressed. I then eat breakfast and grab my bag and run out the door before my parents even notice I'm awake. It's the best way if they don't know if I'm awake. I then walk out the door and surprisingly see Y/N just walking by my house and run up to her, she looked like she had been crying but I wasn't sure. She was wearing clothes she would never usually wear and god she looked beautiful.


I woke up to my alarm today and not my father pulling me out of my bed and yelling at me it was shocking. I immediately turn off my alarm so if my father was just asleep I wouldn't wake him up. I get in the shower and take a really quick shower because I was scared that my father was going to start banging on the door of the bathroom. After my shower, I get changed into the outfit I brought in to the bathroom with me. It was an outfit I usually wouldn't wear. (Outfit)

It wasn't as baggy as what I would usually wear but why not

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It wasn't as baggy as what I would usually wear but why not. I then leave my hair down after brushing it and then I walk down the stairs to see my father passed out on the couch with beer bottle all around him. I miss the way it used to be when mom was here. Why did she leave? I then realized a couple of tears escaped from my eyes. I then see my dad move around on the couch so I grab my book bag from beside the door where I put it in the middle of the night so I can get out of the house quickly, then start running with tears still streaming down my face.

I left earlier than usual I realize when I look at my phone when I'm close to Jimin's house and see it's 5 o'clock. I calm my self down from crying then walk past Jimin's house while staring at it. As I'm about 50 feet from his house I hear a door open and someone running. I didn't wear a hood today because my bruises weren't on my face today. I then see Jimin run up next to me.

"You're early," he says.

" Yeah just got up earlier than usual," I lied. The rest of the walk was kinda awkward and silent probably because we were both still half asleep. We finally got to the library and Jimin holds the door open for me. I walk through the door and stop dead in my tracks, Jimin then walks through the door and looks at me confused until he sees Suga.

"Hi," Suga says.

"Uh, hi," Jimin replies sounding kinda angry.

"I came to apologize for being such a bastard," Suga says shocking both Jimin and I.

"I need to talk to Y/N. Can we talk alone?" Jimin asks.

"Sure," Suga replies. Right after he hears Suga talk he grabs my wrist causing me to wince. He looks at me concerned and then walks out of the library.

Jimin's POV

I grab Y/N's wrist and she winces out of nowhere, I look back at her then walk out of the library. "Are you okay?" I ask letting go of her wrist.

"I'm fine," she replies but then looks at my hand then her wrist then my hand then her wrist, she does it about three more times till I look and notice that my hand had a small amount of a red substance and so did her sleeve. I grab her arm and pull up her sleeve to see my worst nightmare.... cuts and they looked new and they didn't seem to be an accident.

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