The Truth About Jimin's Past

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I had my luggage in my hand, I was standing in front of my new room. "Woah," I said as Talia opened the door to my room. "This is amazing," I said walking in. The room was really big, well actually just a lot bigger than my old room. I flopped down on my new bed, it was so comfortable I could fall asleep right there. The room was so much better than my old room, and much bigger as well. I could really get used to this room I thought as I flopped down on my bed, god it was comfortable."Glad you like it," Talia said smiling still really happy about me moving in with her. "I don't like it, I love it," I said. "Not as much as you love Jimin's lips on yours," she said with an evil grin." You have a death wish, if I wasn't sore and tired I would be chasing you around this strangely big room," I said death glaring her. "I don't need your confirmation to know that you love Jimin's lips on yours more than anything," she says turning around making her way for the door.

"I'm going to take a shower if you need anything my parents are downstairs," she said. "Jimin's lips on mine are pretty nice thought," I say quietly but just enough for Talia to hear. She walked out of the room but before she closed the door she said " I ship you guys so much," then she closed the door. I was laying on my new bed just sitting there thinking of something to do. After a while, I decided to scroll through social media. I forgot how rude people are I thought as I looked at my most recent comments and direct messages. A majority of them said kill yourself, your so ugly, your a worthless piece of shit, no one cares about you, and the world would be a better place without you.

The rest of them if they didn't say that was worded in different ways but still meant the same thing. Why am I so upset about this, I have people who care about me, why can't I just not care about these comments? All this time of thinking I was getting better at ignoring these people and I see one thing and I feel like crying. What if even though BTS won't put me through misery anymore, what if nobody else changes and my average days stay the way they were? What if my dad gets out of jail? What if no one really cares about me, what if it was all a lie? I was getting more and more lost in my thought when there was a knock on the door.

Jimin's POV

I walked into my house after a long day at the hospital, I had stayed there since 11 pm last night, it was now 6 pm the next day. I sat on the couch and within 10 minutes the only thing I could think about was Y/N. Have I ever taken Y/N on a date is the last thing I thought before I jumped off the couch? I haven't had I? I said out loud even though no one else was around. I went to my room changed into some decently tight dark jeans and a big white loose dress shirt with the top two buttons undone. I looked in the mirror I had in my room and nodded at my appearance, I grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys then made my way out of my house to go ask Y/N on our very first date.

I knocked on the door of Talia's house where Y/N was now staying and in about 10 seconds Talia's mother had answered the door. She moved out of the way so I could walk in, I didn't even have to ask because Talia's mom had already told me the direction to Y/N new room. I made my way to Y/N's room, when I found it I knocked on the door. Y/N answered the door within 5 seconds. She let me in her room then sat down on her bed, she pats the space on the bed next to where she was sitting. I sat next to her and looked her in the eye, she looked like she was about to cry. "What's wrong? Don't lie, I'm always here for you," I said knowing that she would probably lie anyway. "I'm fine," she said. I looked at her straight in the eyes and frowned.

"Do you really care about me?" She said out of nowhere. "Of course I care about you, I love you so much, my life wouldn't be the same. Never think that I don't care about," I said. I finally decided I should tell her. " You have no clue how sad I was before I met you. I was bullied every day at my last school to the point where I wouldn't eat anything and if I did eat something I would throw it up. Not only that though, my parents never gave a shit about me, but they also couldn't even look at me without calling me ugly, fat, or a worthless piece of shit. Before I met you I didn't really want to live anymore," I said starting to cry without even realizing it. "The school moved me to this school because of all the bullying, it was kind of a plus that my old friends that apparently went by BTS went there. When I found out that they did the things to you that other people did to me in my last school making me feel worthless, I knew that no matter what I had to break past the walls I could tell you had from when I first met you and become your friend before you were found dead," I said.

Y/N laid back and pulled me down with her, she cuddled with me till I stopped crying, "I wish you told me this before so I could have reminded you of how perfect you were to me every time I had the chance to," She said making me smile. "Please never think you don't matter or that I don't care about you because that will never be true," I say looking Y/N in the eyes.

She nodded, "Thank you for making me happy within a week of meeting you, I never thought I would be happy again. I will never meet a person who stole my heart as fast as you stole mine," I said in a sincere tone. I leaned in and kissed her on the lip, "would you like to go on a date with me to (favorite restaurant)," I say making Y/N smile as bright as the sun. "Really?" She said in a really happy tone. "Yes really," I said. "I'm going to get ready, don't move," she said then jumped off the bed and ran out of her room. She's so cute, I wish I could express in words how happy she made me.


I ran into Talia's room, she was laying on her bed looking at her phone, she looked up from her phone and looked at me confused. "Jimin asked me on a date, help," I screamed. Within seconds Talia was off her bed and looking through the clothes in her closet. She took a dress off a hanger and threw it at me, "go try that on in the bathroom then come out and let me see how you look," Talia said pointing at her bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me, I put the dress on then looked in the mirror. I've never thought I could find a dress that looked good on me but I guess I was wrong. This dress looked perfect on me, the dress was a short dress but had long sleeves, it was black and white. (Dress)

I walked out of the bathroom and the second Talia noticed me her jaw dropped, "You look beautiful, but now it's time for hair and makeup," Talia said grabbing my arm and pulling me back into the bathroom I had just come out of

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I walked out of the bathroom and the second Talia noticed me her jaw dropped, "You look beautiful, but now it's time for hair and makeup," Talia said grabbing my arm and pulling me back into the bathroom I had just come out of. After around 30 minutes Talia had finally finished my makeup and hair, I hadn't gotten to see it yet, I stood up and walked in front of the mirror. My mouth dropped open, I didn't even recognize myself at first. I had a light pink shade of lipstick and eye shadow that blended in with my skin tone but was still noticeable. My hair looks beautiful as well, it was in a braid but there was still hair down, it kinda reminded me of a crown. (Hair Style)

I finally could go back and see Jimin

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I finally could go back and see Jimin. I was so nervous but excited, it was our first date. I was about to walk out of Talia's room when she stopped me and handed me a pair of black heels. I grabbed the heels from her hand and made my way back to the room. I got to my door, put my shoes on, took a deep breath then finally opened my bedroom door, I walked in then closed the door behind me. Jimin was still sitting the way I left him but he was looking at his phone. I guess he heard the door open because he looked up and when he saw me, his mouth dropped open. "You. Look. Beautiful," Jimin said with pauses in between each word. "Thank y-you," I say blushing really hard. "I guess we should get going," Jimin said standing up from the bed. Jimin walked to the door and opened it for me then once I was out of the room he walked out behind me. I turned around and Talia was standing there when she noticed I saw her she winked at me.

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