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Y/N wakes up to hear her bedroom door slam open. Y/n opens her eyes and looks up just in time to see her dad come to her bedside. Her dad grabs her hair and pulls her out of her bed.

"Wake up you little shit you have school" He slurs out angrily.

Her father then leaves her bedroom and slams the door behind him. You would think this is an unusual day, but not for Y/N. Ever since her parents divorced when she was 9 this sadly became usual. After the divorce, she never saw her mom again and her dad started drinking every second he had the chance to, leaving Y/N to fend for herself.

Even when he is not drunk that does not stop him from abusing his little girl. Her dad has a well-paying job but he very rarely allows her to eat or she just doesn't want to, she was tired of being called fat. She is so skinny you can see almost every bone on her body, that doesn't stop her from finding her self fat. She is only 16 and is in her third year of high school at Infires High School. Her high school is her escape from her father but her escape is just another hell.

She can't seem to go through a day of high school without being tripped, beaten, or insulted more than once. The words said to her have always affected her but she will never let that show. She will never give the world the satisfaction of her crying over what they say to her. So she bottles it up all inside and refuses to tell anyone what goes on in her life on a daily basis. She can't seem to get the words said to her out of her head, they repeat every second of every day in her racing mind.

Y/N gets up and sighs. She barely got any sleep last night, she came home late and her father beat her till she was coughing up blood, she cried her self to sleep around 4:30 am. She doesn't have the energy to deal with this today, but she would still rather go to school than stay home.

When the new kid shows up will he change her life?

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