A Promise

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The couples all left Hot Topic at different times after paying for the items they wanted.


Jimin and I walked hand in hand talking about what we'd do for the rest of the 6 hours we had left till we would meet the other, "How about I take you on a date since our last one didn't go so great," Jimin said making me frown at first. "That sounds like a good idea," I said smiling and shaking of the thought of that awful waiter. "But first, I need to do something. Can you stay here? I won't be long," Jimin said letting go of my hand but still smiling. "Of course," I said smiling, I was worried he was going to see another girl but I was probably just thinking the worst. "Thank you," Jimin said and walked away. I walked over and sat on the closest bench and waited for Jimin to return.

Jimin's POV

I asked Y/N on a date and she accepted. I was thinking earlier while talking to V and Jungkook. I remembered going here before and we went to the jewelry store and she pointed out a ring that she really wanted. I love her so much and I don't know if she realizes that, I wanted to get her a promise ring and show that I promise not to hurt her and always be there for her. I was in a hurry so I was jogging to the Jewelry store, when I had finally got there I walked exactly to where we were when we saw the ring. There it was the ring she said she always wanted since she had come here at the age of 14.

 It was kinda funny that it was still here, it's like it was waiting for someone to get it for her. I talked to the person behind the counter and had to think of what she told me her ring size was. I paid for the ring and was out of the door in seconds, I took the ring out of the bag and placed it in my back pocket then threw the bag in the trash and jogged back to Y/N. When I saw her she was still near the same place I left her sitting on a bench quietly. She was looking at her feet, I ran in front of her a little out of breath and said "ready for our date?" making her jump a little. She nodded and smiled looking at me in the eyes, I reach out my hand and help her up kind of reminding me of the first day we met. She took my hand and we made our way to the movie theater.


I could already tell this was gonna be the best night of my life. We agreed to see a movie I've wanted to see since it came out in theaters. The movie was around two hours long and it put me through so many emotions, I cried, laughed, and got angry. Every time I started crying because of the movie Jimin would pull me into his embrace and calm me down, I couldn't be happier. I guess I really had everything I want, my brother was back, I had friends that would always protect me and the man of my dreams, but for some reason, I still felt like I needed something else, it was like a part of me was missing.

 When we walked out of the movie it was 2 pm and we still had 2 hours to do whatever we wanted. "Do you want to go to the mattress store and cuddle on a mattress till we get kicked out?" Jimin asked after a while of silence. "I thought you would never ask," I said making us both laugh, he grabbed my hand and we ran to the mattress store. We walked in slowly like civilized people and walked to the back of the store where all the beds were set up. Jimin let go of my hand and ran and jumped onto one of the mattresses, he lied down on his back then pat the place on the mattress next to him. I giggled then copied his actions and ran and jumped on to the mattress but then cuddling up next to him.

 I didn't get how nobody said anything for a long time but I didn't have a problem cause I got to cuddle with Jimin so I mean if they didn't come over and say something I wouldn't be mad. I was getting kind of sleep when someone finally walked up to us. "Excuse me but I'm gonna have to ask you guys to get off the mattress," a worker said. Neither of us moves or said a word. " Please get off the mattress," the worker said but Jimin and I still didn't move at all. It was quiet for another 5 minutes till someone grabbed me and they started dragging me. I finally open my eyes and am was greeted by a giant man in a security guard outfit.

 I realized what was happening and silently started laughing. Once I was out of the store and Jimin was next to me one of the security guards said "do not come back to this store in the mall for you will not be allowed in," then walked away. When there was no more sign of the security guard Jimin and I both started dying of laughter. "I have never had such a great day in my whole life," I said smiling. "I couldn't agree more," Jimin calming down from laughing. We looked at the time, 3:30 pm, we had half an hour left till we had to meet the others. 

"I have something I have to show you," Jimin said then grabbed my arm and started pulling me to a new location. "Where are we going?" I asked confused. "You'll see," Jimin said smiling and we didn't say another word till Jimin had stopped walking. We were now outside and in a beautiful place near the mall. There were vines strung from tree to tree and there was a pond with flowers around it. "This is beautiful," I said looking at my reflection in the pond.

Jimin's POV

"Yeah, it is," I said talking about and looking at Y/N instead of the surrounding area. "I have something to tell you," I said. "What is it Jimin?" Y/N said turning at me and looking in my eyes. "I love you so much, I know we haven't known each other for that long but I still feel like I've known you my whole life. You have changed my life for the better. I wish there was a way to show you how much I care for you and how happy you make me," I said smiling. "I love you more," Y/N said with nothing but love in her eyes. She was about to say something but I cut her off before she could continue. "I got you something, to promise you that I will never hurt you and I will always be here to protect and love you. I promise you I'll never leave you," I said then pulled the ring out of my back pocket. 

She looked shocked but happy. I grabbed her right hand and slid the ring onto her ring finger. "That ring is our promise to each other that we will always be there for each other," I said smiling brightly. "This is the ring I've wanted for years, you remembered. God you have no clue how much I love you, but this ring didn't make me love you any more than before, I don't think it's possible to love you more than I already do," she said with a giant smile on her face and tears of joy in her beautiful eyes. Neither of us said another word, I pulled her into a passionate kiss that lasted for a while. I never wanted to pull away but then Y/N got a text from someone. 

I pulled away "let me guess Talia is texting you," I said chuckling. She pulled out her phone and turning it on "How did you know?" she replied sarcastically then giggled seeing a text from Talia. "It is 4:15 we have to meet the other but before that, thank you for the ring but most of all thank you for just being in my life," she said smiling brighter than before. I smiled back then grabbed her hand and we walked in the mall to be greeted by the others. "Why were you guys outside?" J-hope asked looking kind of confused. "Just needed a breath of fresh air after getting kicked out of the mattress store," I said making Y/N smile. 

"Wait you got kicked out of the mattress store?" RM said also sounding confused. "Yeah, it was really fun, I never thought I would enjoy getting in trouble," Y/N said smiling brightly. "You will explain later," Talia said looking at Y/N looking angry. "We should get going," Jin said death glaring me, he was probably going to yell at me later for getting kicked out of a store but it was worth it. We all walked out of the mall and we made our way back home. "Nice ring," Talia whispered in Y/N's ear loudly as we walked out of the mall.

A/N: Decided to post a chapter early since I had it ready. I hope you enjoyed!

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