Chapter Thirty-Four

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Adam turned and fiddled with the White chalk in his hand, before writing in bold capitals a big word across the top of the board; History.

"What! That's not fair!" I protested, Adam smirked at me and circled the word, emphasising the whole concept that they knew probably everything, and I expected they lived through it.

"Sorry Eliza, but your fellow...students...might just have the advantage over you." Adam explained, eyeing the rest of us. I ducked deeper into my chair.

"Should have paid attention in school, teachers giving me F's" I mumbled continuing the sentence with cusses. They glanced at look at me and frowned, ready to listen to the American History Adam was about to tell, I expected an anecdote for everything.

The next words made me groan even more; 1920s but I remembered something, And a huge smirk planted on my face. I stood up from my chair, as it scraped along the floor. Adam went to protest

"Back in 2 ticks I'm going to Wikipedia the 1920s." I told them walking out the door and running down the hall to where I recently installed the updated version of a PC, the iMac, curtsy of Peters credit card.

I logged on which didn't take more than a few seconds unlike the downgraded block they called a computer.

Quickly got on to wikipedia and typed; American history 1920. In a flash a whole two pages of stuff I didn't even proofread popped up, I clicked print and two whirs later I had my sheets of paper and was ready to kick ass, I wasn't worried that they knew I used wiki, they probably still thought they had the advantage.

I returned to the fake classroom and Adam looked expectantly to me for an explanation.

"Well, I might as well act like I know what I'm talking about." I said nervously returning to my seat with paper in front of me folder over into A5. I looked sweetly back to the board.

"If you think this....Wikipedia will help, go ahead." Adam said, no faith in me whatsoever. He looked to the class of 4 of us and stood aside letting us read what he put, I took the chance to skim read down what I had written.

This was perfect, in no such sense would they know anything like this word to word, wait...the word 'Wikipedia' sounded foreign in his mouth.

"Hold on a you know what wiki is?" I asked shocked in fact I sounded astounded, he itched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Should I?" he notioned, I burst into laughs and I received four very confused looks, they really needed to get out more. I wiped a tear of laughter from my eye and continued to laugh...three minutes later I had calmed down, they were now concerned.

"Oh this Is just classic, " I stated, looking between them all "Wikipedia has everything! History, people, thinking about it, if I put your names in, it might actually come up with your details." I said, contemplating the possibility of that statement. I grinned, I am so glad to be modern.

"So its a book?" Ryan stated, frowning at me.

"No, No, No, let me show you, follow me!" I squealed, charging out the room with excitement, not even thinking about the questions that could come up with the whole computer thing.

I opened the door to the room and logged onto the computer so fast...mainly so they couldn't see my password, they trailed in and look confused.

"What is this?" Adam asked, and there I was thinking that they were meant to be smart.

"Seriously?" I said dumbfounded. He smiled sheepishly.

"GET A FRICKING LI- I mean UNDEAD LIFE, or whatever you call it." I said, ignoring the faces they pulled.

Normal Isn't In My Dictionary {Book 1 & 2}Where stories live. Discover now