Chapter Fourteen

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Ryan was still at the hospital with his brothers, without Peter. He was angry, erratic and not in his right mind, he's always been the brother in control, acting like he's in the middle, but now that came into question as he watched Adam and James cautiously watching him with beady eyes. Ryan knew he was a danger in this hospital, but if someone wanted to piss him off in his mood at the moment, they'd regret it.

"Ryan, you need to calm down, you're in a hospital." James said through gritted teeth as some passing doctors gave them cautious looks, but Adam's fierce glare warned them to stay away.

"Calm down?! Our brother just got burned to death! and you want me to calm down!" Ryan roared, Adam flinched at the sudden noise Ryan was making. Adam groaned as he lifted himself off the bed, and stumbled forward he was annoyed his body wasn't healing, because of the lack of blood. Ironic since they are in a medical department.

James was next to force himself up, he almost faceplanted on the way, as he tried to calm his brother down, who eyes were flaring crimson and fangs bared, they were lucky he was facing away from the door. Ryan's eyes watched them carefully, as they stepped towards him.

"You're not the only one who's hurting." Adam growled at his brothers selfishness, they were still curious why he cared so much about the brother he loathed.

"Looks like it, how do you not care." Ryan hissed, looking at his brothers, who hadn't even shed a tear. Ryan's face however was another story. his was if he had been shot hundreds of times in the head, and then someone painted his face red.

"Of course we fucking care, we just aren't going to slaughter the whole hospital in a rage, we're just as angry as you." James retorted, grabbing hold of his brothers arm, to try and knock him out of trance he was in.

"It's all that little bitches fault, before she came in a wrecked our lives, we were fine." Ryan hissed, he really did not want to see his beloved cousin at the moment, and if she was at their house, he would probably start something he shouldn't. James and Ryan fell silent, they didn't want to admit it, but something was right in Ryan's words, there was a reason humans and vampires didn't mix, and they clearly underestimated her newborn strength.

Eliza's P.O.V

Blood, that one word rung like lullaby around my head, teasing me, taunting me, the empty blood bag lay on the floor below me and I wanted more, I needed more. I let out an inhuman like hiss, and I tried fighting with my vampire, as I pushed against it, trying to gain control. I took in a breath, finally calming my needs down to a minimum, my eyes darting to the two vampire in the doorway, watching me with curiosity.

"She's going to be a handful isn't she." Shadow realised, winking at me once more, I narrowed my eyes at him, he was now top of my hit list. Spike glared at me, thinking through what to do next. The chains began to feel heavy as I rested them on the bed, wondering how hard they would be to break. I decided against it, they were obviously here so no one could escape that easily.

I could make them let me go.

A sly smirk spread across my face, I had to say it, before Spike caught on to what I was doing. As much as I wanted help, this isn't what I wanted.

"Well, that smile can't be good." Spike mumbled, Shadow's eyes glared over to him, and then back to me, oh they were watching me carefully. Before I rush into it, my smile dropped.

"Isn't there another way to help me." I almost begged, itching at my neck hungrily, what are trying to starve me? Spike and Shadow exchanged glances for a moment, then Spike sighed.

"No." he stated sternly, he leaned dagainstt the door frame, thinking about something. Then I took this as my chance. No, I couldn't do that, my vampire was trying every way to escape the trap, but I was fighting against it, the vampire was winning. It wasn't long either until the vampire completely took over, I giggled crazily, like a maniac.

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