Chapter Twenty-Six

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6 hours later and we had finished the shopping, and Tobias had still not returned, now I was worrying. What if something had happened to him? What if, what if...why did my mind jump to the worst conclusions, Urgh, stupid brain.

Now being around 5:30, I was already exhausted and being almost suffocated to death was not helping, because are schedule was being messed up, according to Celia, to save time I had to keep the clothing items on, except the shoes and tiara of course, they weren't needed until ballroom, where I had not long to learn to not walk, but dance in heels!

"Celia, you said the ball isn't until tomorrow night, can we not learn then, I don't know about you vampires, but if I have to stand up any longer I will die of exhaustion." I told them in the limousine, Tobias agreed and Celia mumbled some words.

"Ok, tomorrow afternoon we will proceed with the dance." she stated, nodding her head at herself. It was obvious she was pissed off, but she will get over it, her precious 'Master Dante' will just have to put up with my crap dancing. I sighed and sat back, expecting to be interrogated when I and Tobias got back.

The car dropped us outside and I immediately felt the cool rush if air hit my face, and the bags I were carrying weighed heavy in my hands, Tobias had also bags in his hands, we stomped up the stone steps to the house and pushed the door open.

As expected all four were in the doorway, nostrils flaring, I gulped, Tobias followed in behind me.

"And where have you been?" Adam growled to me, I smiled innocently.

"No where." I said, I sucked at lying, and I hate being under pressure.

"Don't lie Eliza!" James cut in, Tobias shuffled the door shut and stood beside me awkwardly

"What's he still doing here?" Peter hissed, snapping his head towards Tobias.

"So what, I'm not allowed people over now?" I said, changing the topic hoping it would work, but these guys would not drop it.

"Tell us where you have been! Both of you!" Ryan shouted, I bit my lip, contemplating whether to feed them another lie or tell the truth.

"We-We-We were.." I stuttered the bags shuffling in my hand nervously. Tobias looked at me, and sighed.

"We were at Realms Gate." Tobias said out, looking at the four boys reactions.

"WHAT?!" they all gasped at once, They all looked horrified, and it looked like they were about to go into a raging frenzy.

I walked past them, who were they to judge where or who I went with when going out, they weren't my parents, in fact they weren't even legal guardians, I assumed you needed forms and stuff for that.

"We have stuff to discuss." James said turning to me, as I returned back from putting my bags down, along with Tobias, on the way down the stairs, something caught my eye. Brown boxes.

"What's that?" I asked returning back and sitting on the bottom step.

"Ah, yes, that's addressed to you." Adam explained, when I got up to have a look I was pushed back down and I sighed. Tobias stayed standing up, awkward, where was he even going to live? His house was destroyed? Could he live here, they're were plenty of empty rooms, but I doubt the big bosses would let him.

"What were you doing at Realms Gate?" Peter asked curiously, he wasn't mad anymore, just curious.

"Long story." I rolled my eyes at my two words.

"We have time." Ryan retorted, I was getting bored and hated these talks.

"Yeah, you do, But I will get old and die by the time it's finished, let Tobias explain." I said, smirking, I might have accidentally dropped him deeper in this one. All heads turned to him.

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