Chapter - Three

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Here's chapter three enjoy x



This is bad. Really bad. Nobody is saying a thing and my heart is panicking with fear, then suddenly the sound of coughing and spluttering can be heard from the living room.

“What is that?” I ask curiously. Actually I’m not sure if I want to know.

Kate quickly rushes into the living room and shuts the door behind her as if it’s her house.

I stand up pushing my chair back “right this is too weird for me, I’m going.” I say clearly, and then walk out.

I stop as I’m walking up the stairs, I take and seat on the wooden stair and sigh. It was bad enough me having to meet these people and now they don’t even appear to be normal people. I can’t believe my grandfather Tom wanted me to have anything to do with these people, he was friends with their ancestors like decades ago, I have no idea why I have to come into the equation at all. It’s not fair, especially since my sister Sophia doesn’t have any duties to carry out for my grandfather.

The doorbell rings, it doesn’t look like my mum is coming to open it so I go. It’s Erin; Erin has been in neighbourhood for absolutely ages, everyone knows her. She doesn’t have any family she just  lives with her two little cats; bubbly and bunty.  

“Hello Erin,” I say smiling at the old woman.

“Hello dear, I’ve come to collect the cakes, your mother said they were ready,” Erin says with a smile.

I rack my brains, oh yes my mum did mention she’d put Erin’s cakes in the basement.

“Come in,” I say to Erin opening the door wider.

She follows me down; I open the fridge and take out the two square cake boxes that have Erin written on them.

“Thank you Ella,” Erin says.

“Who are they for?” I ask politely; trying to make conversation.

“Well this big one here is for my sweetheart Cale,” she says as she winks at me “and this little one here is for my friend’s granddaughter” she reaches into her pocket and takes out a note and hands it to me “well then I’ll be off,” she says “I’ll see myself out.”

I stay in the basement and look around, all this stuff will be passed on to me one day. The whole room is filled with cake equipment. This is something I am actually glad about doing, I’m not boasting or anything but I am actually pretty good at baking cakes.

“Ella!” comes a voice, followed by footsteps and my mother.

“What on earth are you doing down here?” she asks clearly irritated.

“I was just giving Erin her cakes,” I say.

My mother shakes her head at me “It was extremely rude of you to walk off like that,” she says.

“You were all ignoring me!” I protest. I can’t believe the nerve of her!

“For god’s sakes Ella how childish are you?”

I stay silent, and she shakes her head at me.

“You have to come back and apologise, you do have in mind that Kate and Ben are going to be your in-laws yes?”

“obviously,” I mutter as I trail up behind her.

When we go back into the kitchen Kate is standing, when she spots me she moves to the side, revealing something behind her. I blink twice when I see what it is or should I say who it is.

“ Elijah?” I ask quietly feeling my heart sink.

The boy smiles at me, but I can’t return his smile. I feel my legs go and I feel my body sink to the floor in a heap.

It’s not that Elijah is ugly; in fact he has the same chocolate silky hair as his brother, and he has big gray eyes with long eyelashes. It’s not that he’s too young or old; he looks about eighteen which is fine. Well I never thought that I would marry someone who would be eighteen, but since I am only sixteen I guess that’s okay.

It’s just that he, Elijah is sitting in a wheelchair, and I don’t think it’s because he just broke his leg.

This can’t be happening; I can’t be forced to marry someone this young and someone who can’t even look after themselves.

I don’t even realise that I’m crying until someone hands me a tissue, pulls me up and pushes me out of the room.

“Ella, pull yourself together, what will they think?” my mum hisses as soon as we are both behind the closed door.

“Well what do you expect? You’re making me get married at sixteen. Bloody sixteen, mum and now look I have to marry someone who can’t even look after them self, what the hell am I going to do?, I can’t marry him, no way,” and with that I run towards the door and run out of the house.

I don’t no where I am going but I keep on running in the pouring rain.

When I reach an isolated place I stop running and stop, I have no idea how far I’ve run or where the hell I have come. It’s quiet here with not much going on, well it’s not as if I can sit here in the down pour so I start to walk back the way I’ve come in hope of finding some shop or something that is open.

Luckily I find something soon enough, I go inside and order myself a latte and a small piece of cake. I totally deserve it. When I take a sip of my hot drink, warm liquid fills my body and I feel myself calm. This cake in my hand doesn’t taste nowhere near as good as the ones we make, I think a bite into the gooey sponge.

“Good isn’t it?” someone says looking down at me. A boy with dark hair and eyes.

I snort “mine are way better,”

The boy sits down opposite me and smiles “you make cakes?” he asks a hint of laughter in his voice.

“Yes, yes I do,” I answer doing my best to speak snobbishly. Don’t even ask why.

“Hmm...I haven’t seen you here before,” he states.

“and your point is?”

“Well, I was just meaning that you’re not from here right?” he asks; the smile has slipped slightly from his face.

“Well duh” I say through a mouthful of cake.

Now he laughs, I like the sound of his laugh. He puts his head slightly to one side and looks at me trying to figure me out.

“Don’t look at me like that” I say feeling my cheeks turn a deep shade of pink.

He gives a chuckle and shakes his head at me “you’re a funny character....,” he tails of and looks at me expectantly.

“Ella...but I’m not a character I’m real form, the real deal,”

He nods slowly at me “And I'm Ella do you have a real boyfriend?” he asks a smile playing at his lips.

I don’t know what to say, I think of Elijah but he quickly vanishes from my thoughts.

“No, not right now...” I find myself saying.

The boy visibly relaxes and grins.

“So you want to hang out with me on Friday?” he asks smiling.

I pretend to think for a few seconds then I slowly nod “okay.” I say.

“Good, we can have a cake contest,” he says playfully.

“A cake contest?”

“Yes...unless you can’t bake cakes?” he asks innocently.

“Oh no, I can, very well too” I reply.

“” he asks.

“Definitely,” I say taking his hand and shaking the deal.


Please vote and tell me what you thought, do we still hate Ella??


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