Chapter - Eighteen

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I sigh. Kate’s enthusiasm really does appear to be messing with my mind. I bite back my original words and smile brightly showing my teeth.

“Oh wow, that’s great!” I say trying to match her tone. I glance at Elijah from the corner of my eye and see he appears to be fighting back a bubble of laughter I grin at his face and for some reason this makes him burst. He whole face lights up when laughs making his eyes glitter, I find myself joining in even though I don’t even know what’s so funny about this whole situation.

Zoe looks between us both with a confused frown the  just smiles.

“ aren’t you two just going to looks so adorable!” she cooes, she reaches out and pinches one of my cheeks. Bloody hell that hurt!

“So anyway we don’t have much time, so we really need to get down t it,” she takes a seat and looks at me seriously “I was thinking that we could discuss the venue but then I thought that we could do that after we try some cake and decide which one you’d like and place an order for that, tell me what you think we should go for first, after all it is your wedding.”

“Both of you,” she adds quickly.

A venue? Won’t the service thing just be held at the church like always, finding a venue sounds boring  and I feel hungry. I look up to meet Elijah’s eyes but they don’t give any hint as to what he wants. We both open our mouths at the same time.



Chapter Eighteen

Zoe finally comes to a halt outside a huge white parlour looking building with a gleaming finish. I stare up in awe at the magnificent show before me.

“This is the cake place?” I ask my eyes as wide as saucers, I catch sight of the cakes through the rectangle windows and my mouth begins to water and involuntarily my tongue comes out and brushes across my bottom lip. The cakes look bloody fantastic, I push the door open like I’m in a trance and I walk forward across the white marble floor that has a sequined finish feeling like I’m in wonderland.

“Ella,” someone calls from behind me, I turn and frown; no one has followed me into the shop, they’re all outside and Kate is beckoning for me to go back out and join them.

I sigh and am about to turn on my heel when a man in his early thirties steps forward, he’s dressed in an immaculate suit and has a smile fixed on his face.

“Hello there miss,” he says extending his hand out toward me. I shake it with a solemn look on my face. 

“Erm...hi,” I glance back and see the panic growing on Kate’s face “Just a minute.” I turn and quickly walk back out of the door into the freezing cold.

“What’s the matter?” I ask wrapping my coat around me tighter and trying to control my hair that’s blowing into various directions due to the ferocious wind.

“I was just saying that I know we’ve got lots of money to splash out with but if you see something you like don’t let them see that. We may be able to get the price lower yeah?”

“We’ve got lots of money and can afford to splash out?” I ask slightly side tracked. That’s interesting; I didn’t know there were savings from my side put into the wedding. Or maybe it’s all Kate.

Zoe nods frowning a little “Your Grandfather appears to have left a generous donation for the wedding.”

Its seems everyone already knew about this before he died but me. I didn’t even know the Knights existed.

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