Chapter - Twenty-Four

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When I unlock the front door I can already hear voices. It’s my mum and Noah.

“We should never have tried to do this; I mean what on earth were we thinking?” I can imagine mum pacing around the room running her hands through her hair.

Noah starts to say something but it’s quiet so I decide there’s no point even trying to listen, so I head upstairs to get some rest.

Just before I fall asleep I can feel someone come and sit on my bed.

“Hey Ella,” it’s Sophia

“Hey, I thought you were in the cells, when they let you out?” I mumble sleepily.

I tell she’s smiling “I heard that you needed me, so I came little sis,” she says. She starts to smooth my hair, it feels very soothing. “I’m always here when you need me,” she whispers.

“Good,” I say before I shut out for the night.

When I wake in the morning I can tell that both Sara and Noah are gone. It’s just me and mom. I am right when I finally walk into the kitchen to find some food she’s sitting in her suit and her hair combed back neatly.

“Ella,” she says adopting a smile, she gestures to the chair “Take a seat, we need to talk.”


The final wish chapter 24

Later on when I’m walking in the park alone with my hair being blown by the wind, I feel as though I’m carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. I sink into a heap on the prickly grass and sigh as I pull the old and worn bits up letting the wind carry them a million miles away.

“Ella!” I turn at the sound and smile when I spot Elijah sitting on a picnic bench a little distance away. I pull myself up and brush the few strands of grass off.

I walk over to where Elijah is sitting alone and is holding a pencil in one hand and a bottle of Pepsi in the other. I take a seat opposite him.

“What are you drawing? I ask him trying to catch a glimpse of his paper pad. He turns the pad towards me and I can feel my mouth shape into a huge smile, it’s absolutely amazing.

It’s not finished by any means but the outlines I can tell will create an amazing end piece. It looks far too special to not be for anyone.

Elijah laughs and I realise that I said the last part out loud.

“You’re right,” he says “It is for a special someone.”

He hold my stare for a few seconds then breaks it and closes his pad and pushed it to the side.

“So then what brings you here to the park on a very windy morning?”

I giggle at his very formal attire. “I to come for a walk sometimes to clear my head.”

“What’s been bothering you?” he asks looking at me in a concerned manner.

I look down at my lap then back up. “My mum saidthatIdonthavetomarryyouanymore,” I let out making it sound like a jumble of words.

But he’s understood what I’ve said, I know that much. I meet his eyes and see the panic that is now evident on his face.

“What did you say?” he asks clearly looking worried about my answer.

“I didn’t say anything, I just sort of ran out,” I mumble.

The thing is, if I’m honest I like Elijah, the way he can always make me smile and feel as if I have nothing to worry about. I’ve grown to like him and I don’t want to say goodbye.

“I don’t agree with what she’s saying,” I tell Eli, “The thing is that I kind of...,” I trail off scared of how my answer may sound.

Elijah gives me a tiny smile trying to encourage me.

“I like you.” I whisper.

“What was that?” he asks, I look at his face and can feel a faint blush creep onto my cheeks, he smirks at me.

“Oh Ella,” he says shaking his head at me laughing his eyes lit up.


Later on when I’m getting ready for bed I cast my mind back to the past couple of months, at first I really was upset about the fact I had to marry Elijah, but since getting to know him better and spending time with him, I’ve found him popping into my mind various times during the day  and that sweet and innocent smile of his and found a grin creeping onto my face. I don’t regret meeting him at all. I know that life won’t be easy and that there will be many difficult endurances but I feel that I honestly wouldn’t want it any other way. As if he knows that I’m thinking about him I have an incoming call with his picture on screen, I press and green button and hold it to my ear.

“Hello,” I say my mouth widening into a smile.

“Hey,” comes the voice, his voice sounds soft  but I can tell that he is sad.

“Elijah? Is something wrong?” I ask him worriedly.

He sighs at the other end “Hm...It’s just Lilly...she’s a bit ill,” he says.

I frown, that’s not a reason to be so upset surely. “She’ll get better soon, what’s the matter, has she got the flu?”

He coughs and then “Um...Yeah.., anyway I was wondering if you could come over?”

I shift uneasily on the bed; I haven’t ever slept over at his house, or even really late at night. But his voice is enough for me to say yes.

When I hang up I look down at my clothes and decide to keep on what I’m wearing, which is black pyjama pants with white stars and a plain black top, I grab my black hoodie and shove a few essentials into my bag and slip on my shoes and then sneak out of the door.

I haven’t seen my mother since this morning when she sat me down and told me that things need to change and that the first thing that needs to be cleared is this whole Elijah business.

Before I can knock on Elijah’s door it opens, it’s Seth. He doesn’t look particularly happy to see me but he lets me in nonetheless.

“Where’s Elijah?” I ask him. He doesn’t answer but just points towards the staircase. Elijah’s door is already open when I reach it but I still knock.

After a few seconds Elijah answers and I step inside, Elijah is sitting in his bed with the remote in his hand; he smiles at me and pats the bed motioning for me to join him.

I take a seat and grimace when I see what he is watching.

“I hate this show!” I say with a pout.

“Ten minutes till the end,” Elijah says reaching out to pinch my cheeks gently. I swat his hand away, whenever someone does that it always leaves giant red marks on my face.

When the show is finished, Elijah switches the television off and for rest of the night we just talk and then Elijah gets out a book with blank pages and we end up playing hangman and noughts and crosses until we both fall asleep with my head resting on his shoulder.


Wow it’s been absolutely ages since I uploaded!!

I have been caught up in exams and all sorts of stuff! But I’m back for now at least anyway :) 

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