Interview with Parogar

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1. What inspired you to right?
I was inspired to write because I enjoy telling stories. It feels good to craft  world and live in it.

2. How does it feel to have Psych Investigation Episodes be number 1 under science fiction and fantasy? 
Pretty good. I like seeing everyone read through it. It's nice to have your work read by so many people

3. If you could publish on of your stories which would it be and why?
 P.I.E has already been published by Ragz Books. 

4. What's your favorite thing about writing?
My favorite thing about writing is the first draft. I love getting it all down. 

5. What's your least favorite thing about writing?
 My least favorite thing is editing. It makes you hate everything you loved about #4

6. Would you call yourself a wattpad celebrity? Why or why not? 
No. I don't believe I'm a celebrity, here or anywhere else.

7. Books, movies or plays?
 I love the Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan, and all of R.E.F's work. I am a huge fan of Phantom of the Opera, and my favorite movie is Equilibrium with Christian Bale

8. Who makes your covers? If you do, what program9s) do you use?
 My publisher makes my covers for P.I.E and QS!

9. If you could have a character of yours become a real person who would it be and why?
 Well, definitely not Sehn. Because he'd murder me as his first act as a sentient being. So probably Requiem, from P.I.E, though she'd also probably murder me. But she's hawt :P

10. What writing tips can you give the readers? 
 Depends on the work in question. For instance, do they have structural problems? Do they need line-editing? Are their characters one-dimensional or flat? It really all depends on the story. It's near-impossible for me to give generic tips

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