Interview with marebear11

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1. What inspired you to write?
I guess it all started when I was reading a Janet Evanovich book. I had just finished the series and went, "that's it? There has to be more!" It's like I knew it had to end sometime, but I still didn't like the questions I was left with. So I wrote a fanfiction for that book, that's where it all started. I did a few more and eventually started to develope my own characters and storylines and here I am!

2. What's your favorite thing about writing?
My favorite thing about writing is control. For about 20 chapters of someone's life, we get to control their actions and decisons and watch it all play out with the people around them. Makes me sound a little crazy, but it's fun to have that sort of control lol

3. What's your least favorite thing about writing?
My least favorite thing? Grammer! Grammer is so easy, and so hard. Usually, my grammer is good enough that people will be able to understand it, but it will never be good enough to prevent someone from pointing out a mistake lol.

4. Which character of yours is your favorite?
My favorite character has to be Missy Ford from "Missy's Mumblings". I just love how she's her own person and learns to stand up for herself.

5. If you could have one of your characters become a real person, which one would it be and why?
I wnat either Tyler Hamilton from "One of the Guys" or Seth Matthews from "Missy's Mumblings" to be real. I just love the funny guy best friend role and I love them both too much to choose. Of course, I'd probably be too in shock to speak though lol.

6. What's you're wattpad pet peeve?
My biggest pet peeve? The only thing that bothers me is how hard it is to get noticed. There are so many amazing stories that get overlooked, it's insane! ut, I suppose that's how every writer gets their start. You have to find a way to make the peole read.

7. Who makes your covers? If you do, what program(s) do you use?
The cover for "How Not to Keep a Secret" was made by the very talented tianajade! That's obviously the best lol. I made the covers for my other two stories and I used Adobe Photoshop.

8. Which story of yours is the funnest to write?
I think "How Not to Keep a Secret" is the most fun to write because there's so much drama! It's all so scandalous, and it takes a lot of thinking to come up with the chapters.

9. What's your favorite thing about wattpad?
My favorite thing about wattpad is that you can literally find a story on anything. You name it, and someone has written about it. There's no boundaries and everyone is so friendly even outside of the site. It really is a community.

10. What are some writing tips you can give the readers?
If you're going to just be a reader, be anan active reader! Give your honest opinion and ask questions if you have them. We have a chance to talk to the authors of our favorite stories and that's not something we get to do with Janet Evanovich or Richelle Mead! Take advantage! If you're writing, then start writing what you know. It's hard to get reads, trust me, I know, but get your story story finished. Don't be discouraged. Just cause it's not what's hot on wattpad doesn't mean it won't be a best seller!

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