Interview with DyingToShoutOut

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1. What inspired you to write?
I've actually been writing for years - which sounds strange, concerning I'm only fourteen. In first grade, we wrote these journals every day. They were small topics, things like "How was your day?" or "Write a short story about ______." After that, I just continued to linger in writing here and there. When I hit fifth grade, I had write a short, original story for a class project. In the end, I completed a ten page mystery about a wooden box. I received an A+ and quite a bit of praise on it. Ever since, I've thought it would be amazing to become an author.

2. What's your favourite thing about writing?
Honestly, the outcome is my favourite part. I love seeing the actual finished and posted piece. I suppose it just make me feel so accomplished with myself because I didn't think I'd actually pursue in something I loved so much.

3. What's your least favourite thing about writing?
I have to admit that I have trouble with the title and first sentence of a story. It's a huge hassle for me, because I want to be as original and eye-catching as possible.

4. If you could publish one of your stories, which would it be and why?
I think if I lengthened Bliss and edited it a lot, it could be a short story. It was be nice to publish that. On Wattpad, it doesn't receive much attention because I wrote it a while ago and it's quite horrible. I've received a lot of great feedback on it, though. Plus, you can't publish fan fiction. That's all I have up as of now, besides my rants. I have an original story coming out soon, though.

5. You were stranded on an island with one of your characters, who would it be and why?
Callum Taylor. He's an original character in a story I will soon be posting called "Paper Heart." Not to be prejudiced, but he's quite an enjoyable character. He's posh, but also witty and humourous. We'd get on quite well, to be honest.

6. If you could have one of your characters become an actual person, who would it be and why?
Clover Harris - from my One Direction fan fiction, Remember December. I've put a lot of thought into making her and I just adore her as a character. Obviously, she's not a Mary Sue - she lies, she grows angry quickly, she's emotional, she snorts when she laughs - so she could actually be a person rather than a Barbie. She has good qualities, though, that would make her a trustworthy friend.

7. Books, movies, or plays?
I'm someone who sticks to the books, really. Sometimes I'll choose a movie over a book - such as in the case of Avalon High - or a play over a book - such as Wicked. Generally, though, I prefer books. I like to be able to crack open the bind, sit back, sip my tea, and read.

8. Do you listen to music when you write? If so what?
Yes, I do actually. I listen to all different genres, as I'm not horrible picky. It varies from One Direction to Demi Lovato to Adam Lambert to Ingrid Michaelson to Queen to Skrillex to Alesana. Generally, it just depends on the mood I'm in and the mood of the chapter I'm writing.

9. Are any of your characters inspired by actual people? 
Yeah, somewhat. I'll base a character off of multiple people sometimes, or no one at other times. It just depends on my mode of inspiration at the time.

10. What are some writing tips you can give the readers?
I could go into this huge thing about punctuation, spelling, grammar, writing style, etc. Honestly, though, you all know about that. My largest and most important writing tip is that you should stick to writing if you love it enough. You will come across some rough patches in writing - whether it be the "haters," the dreaded writier's block, harsh criticism, or merely a bad day - but you should not give up on writing if you love it. Though it sounds cliche, don't give up on yourself. It just takes determination and a smile. x 

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