Interview with SorrowHasNoHANDhere

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1.What inspired you to write?
Well, when I was 8, I read a really great book called something-or-another (I have a terrible memory). I wanted to make something that made people feel just as happy, so I started to write! Since then, my inspiration has come from Hollywood, religion and real-life experiences. 

2.If you could have one of your characters become a real person, who would it be and why?
Hmm… one of my own characters? Well, I’d have to say Eidan’s brother Oliver (Eidan is an MC). I know him like a brother myself, and he’s a really fun guy! I’d love spending some time with him. He’s such a goof! 

3.What's your favorite thing about writing?
What I love the most about writing is creating. I get to do whatever I want, and on top of that, I get to make people happy! I absolutely LOVE it when somebody tells me they’re enjoying my story! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :)

4.What's your least favorite thing about writing?
Writer’s block. I absolutely loathe not knowing what to write! Well, maybe it’s not knowing WHAT to write, but not knowing HOW. I always like putting emotion into my words, so when I’m feeling blah, my writing is blah, and then I become frustrated. I feel so hopeless! So then I go on a movie-watching spree, hoping to get my creativity back up…

5.What's your Wattpad pet peeve?
This may sound cruel, but it’s stupidity. For example, I don’t know why people do deals on the SYS club. Most of the time, the people are only greedy writers trying to get reads, and usually somebody’s screwed over. My advice to everyone is to stay away from them. If you’re a writer that posts deals, and actually lives up to your word, then I tip my hat to you. I highly respect honesty. 

6.Which character of yours is the most like you?

Well, I like to think that a little piece of my bipolar self is in all of my characters. However, if I just chose one… well, the real me—the one that people don’t see—would have to be Eidan. However, on the outside and in public, I’m more of a Pete type of person! If anybody makes it to the ending, you’ll see the irony there ;D

7.If you could publish one of your stories, which would it be and why?

I’ve only ever wanted to publish one story, and that would be “Hello.” I don’t know why, but I’ve always been so obsessed with it! What’s posted on Wattpad is probably my 8th draft… I’ve rewritten it a lot haha :D

8.Who makes your covers? If you do, what program(s) do you use? 
I kinda-sorta make my covers. For “Hello,” I got the background picture from my friend xetobyte on deviantart (check him out! He’s amazing) and then I use Photoshop CS5 to add the text affects. I love making text affects! It’s so fun to see how they can completely change a picture :)

9. Movies or books, and why?
I’d say movies. I’m not a big fan of reading, so if the movie is interesting and they’re usually worse than the book, then that means the book is good. I also like to know the ending before I read… idk, I’m just really weird! 

10. What are some writing tips you can give the readers? 

The greatest advice I can give to anybody that's having trouble within any field of writing is to take your favorite book and look at it. Look at the format, the punctuation, the plot, the hook (opening sentence), the central challenge, the words, sentence structure, etc... whatever you're looking for, I guarantee it'll be in that book. Otherwise, why would it be published?

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