Interview with XKimberlySheliaX

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1. What inspired you to write?
I guess my Grandma, she always used to make random bed time stories when I was younger so in some of my own stories I've used A LOT of her own ideas. But now she's a little crazy with her stories. Lol

2. If you could have one of your characters become a real person, who would it be and why?
I'm split between two! Either Erik just because every guy friend I have they're all jerks, and probably Debbie just because my own "Step mum" is annoying which is kind of why I made Debbie! :)

3. What's your favorite thing about writing?
Getting lost in them, I kind of go off into my own little world and just totally blank that outside world XD

4. What's your least favorite thing about writing?
I get writers block on a regular basis when I'm writing, so I'll be sat there staring at my laptop screen waiting for sometihng to just magically appear, which of course never happens! lol!

5. If you could publish one of your stories which would it be and why?
The Apprentice, it's new but and I guess it isn't technically my story what with it being a folk tale and all, but I still like reading up on that kind of stuff.

6. Do you listen to music when you write? If so who and why?
Sometimes, like when I'm stuck for what to write but with me I always end up turning the story to fit whatever song I listenning to which is annoying cause I have the same three songs on repeat! Hahah! :)

7. Which character of yours is the most like you?
Uh.... I guess that would be Frankie Henna (Save Me This Year? I took that story down cause i got real bad writers block on it) Only because she thinks about things way to much, which I have a tendency to do too! I'll somehow turn a simple funny joke into an insult toward me or someone I care about. LOL!

8. What's your wattpad pet peeve?
People posting commentings on stories advertising their work, it really bugs me! I've personally never done it, I haven't even asked anyone to read something of mine on their profile!

9. Movies or books and why?
Books! Unless it means going to the cinema to watch a film, then it's movies every single time!

10. What are some writing tips you can give the readers?
Uh.... write what you want, and do what I don't! Make plan and stick to it, I'm good at making a plan for a story I just hardly ever stick to it them! Haha! :D

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