Interview with georgieberry28

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1. What inspired you to write?
 I've always wanted to be an actress, so I guess what inspired me to write is the prospect that one day, I could write my own films etc. and do what I've always loved. 

2. Your working on 4 stories. How do you manage to update regularly? 
 Honestly, I'm not 100% sure. I try and update in a sort of circle so basically whichever story is at the bottom, I update. I'm on my laptop a lot and I get bored easily so it means that I often bide my time by writing, but honestly, I'm not sure how I do it!

3. What;'s your favorite thing about writing?
 That anything is possible. You can create anyone, anything and anywhere and you know that someone somewhere will appreciate what you do and enjoy it. It's like creating a world you wish you could have, even though its only words on a screen. 

4. What's your least favorite thing about writing?
 Writer's block. Urgh I hate that. It makes me feel useless and stupid, which I really hate feeling like. 

5. Which character of yours is the most like you?
 Either Alex Pepper, Elsie Reid or Liza Rick. I can't decide between the three. Though I often try and add a little of myself in all my characters, even if it's smoething really small. Often I'll make refrences to my favourite TV shows, or add aspects of myself into their personalities. So, if you mash those three characters together, you'd probabaly get me  :)

6. If you could publish one of your stories which would it be and why?
Oooh, tough question. I'm really not sure. Though if I really had to choose, I'd probably go with How To Survive in an American High School. 
 Even though it's my newset, it's the one I feel most confident with and it really brings out the fun side in my writing. 

7. If you could have one of you characters become an actual person who would it be and why?
 I'd love to meet Tasia. I really would. She would be so much fun to be around and would be like having my very own sidekick. I'd quite like to meet Liza too. Both of them would be very fun to be around. 

8. Who makes your covers? If you do what program(s) do you use? 
 I have a different designer for each of my covers , but each of them is truly fantastic. They're made by@spiritals98,@WritingProdigy,@v123m17 and others. They are brilliant and I'd just like to thank them for making my awesome covers xD

9. Movies, plays or books?
 Hmm. Probably Movies. Books would be a close second though. 

10. What are some writing tips you can give the readers? 
 DON'T PANIC! Write for you, not for anyone else. If people give you critism, then don't take it to heart. Just rethink what you're doing and accept those changes. They're only trying to help. 

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