The Rat Among us

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An hour passed, and there was no call from Deron. Ray thought that it was the right time to ask me some questions. As well as put her ideas of what is going on out in the open. "So I think he gone ask you If you gay Romeo." "Naw I don't think that is it ray." She looks at the floor then said, "Ok what about this. He gone confess his want for you." "Ray!  Why are you such a romantic dreamer." She let out a big laugh. "Oh no honey I am here for the drama." I suck my teeth then walk to my room. "Man! Whatever." She then laughs then said, "Don't get me wrong when it's you and Chris its all about the romance for me. When it come to yo fam and Deron. Baby it's all about the juicy drama." I come back out of my room with my grandpa's book in hand. "Well seeing how you the bestie and all get ready for more drama." She looks at my hand. "Is that the book, like the book." "Yea ray I still have not gotten far in it." "Well let start to get in find out what yo mama don't want you to know." As soon as we start to open it. We hear a knock at the door. I open it and in walks Deron. I look him over and he looks sad like he just lost his dog and a big bet on something. "What's up bro, sup ray." Ray started to be shady but I gave her a look of be nice and she said, "hey Deron." With a look like only cuz you asked me to. We all sit down and Deron tell me how he saw my dad. I then roll my eyes and then he said. "Bro we can be like him in and out of each other lives. We got to be true to each other and our self." I look at at ray and then him. "So what are you saying bro"  He looks over at me in my eyes and said, "That I know and that I should of told you we fam no matter what." As soon as I was about to say you know what Ray jumps in with. "Donnie your granddad is gay and he was outed by someone." The room felt cold and slight and then I look over at Deron. He then said, "I knew that too." "What is that you know Deron!" Before he answered there was a knock at the door and then it opens and Chris walks in. "My bad sleepy head I did not know you was busy."

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