His Hidden Hour Glass

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The next day I woke up to the smell of something cooking. I rolled over to look at my time. It was only 9:30am. The sound of pots and pans moving was enough to wake a city up. The smell of food was one someone would never forget. I roll out of bed and see Chris in my kitchen with a smile. "Hey sleepyhead." "Man whatever you the one up early." I said back as I walked up to the counter. "What you got there any way. Who told you it was ok to cook my food." Chris laughed. "Actually you had no food so I went shopping. Also I figured when you woke up you might be hungry." He placed a plate in front of me and smiled I gave him the side eye then took the food. "So what you got planned today." He asked. "Well my vacation just started so I got a week off." I said, "so..that means I got you all to myself." I choked on some of the food, he then handed me some water. Then I said, "What's that supposed to mean, look man all I am gone do is stay here in my room and chill." He just kept looking at me with the same sexy smile. "You can do what ever you want, shit not like you acting like you live here anyway." The next day was the same and so was the day after that. I woke, he cooked, and I want to my room. On Wednesday it was different around seven at night I heard the door open. I walked out to see who just  came into my place. I saw Chris with Chinese food and a rental in one hand. "So what we having a movie night now." "That's the plan, no more room come chill with me." He said, "man we not about to do no Netflix and Chill shit." He laughed and my phone rang. I didn't pick it up and then Chris just looked at me side ways and said. "Well I was thinking of just chilling, but the way your phone ringing you might be to busy." I sat on the couch as he put the movie in with a smile then we eat. Next I knew I fell asleep, when I woke up I was laid all on Chris chest and he was smiling. "Hey sleepyhead." "My bad man." "You good, you look cute when you sleep" I side eye him and said," You picked a boring ass movie." We laughed then I heard a knock at the door.

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