Who Are You

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"So bro you just gone up and believe her." I pressed my hands in the couch and asked Deron again. "Deron what did you and Chris talk about." "You know what I knew shit was up." Deron headed to the door and grabbed his keys. "Donnie I don't know who the fuck this here is but this not you bro and when you find you. Give me a call." "That's if he don't call me first boo!" Ray said with a tone like she just heard the funniest thing in the world. Deron opens the door then slams it. I walk over to the couch next to Ray then fall backwards on it. I let out a big and hard sigh. Then feel ray hand rub my leg. "You know you should not have pumped him up like that." "You right but it was just more fun to see him sweat. Question is are you gone be ok." "Yea, have I really change that much." "What dose it matter long as you like who you are." "That's the thing ray I don't know who I am." Ray stand up laughs then heads to the door. "Yea you do hun, you just been hiding it." I roll over on the couch to think. As she leave and close the door softly be hind her. After falling asleep on the couch I wake to see a text from Chris. Asking if I was home and could he come over. The text was sent over an hour ago. As I started to text back that today was not a good day. I hear a knock at the door. I knew it had to be him. Question was, was I going to answer it or let him think I was not here. Then I thought maybe it was not him but ray trying to get me out the house. So I head to the door just to see who it was.

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