The Lost Story

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I picked up the call on my other line."Morning my lil Don" I hear my mother say. "Hey mom, how are you?" "I'm good baby." I smiled as I heard my moms light voice. I also knew any time she called in the morning she wanted something."So, what's up mom"  "oh nothing I just wanted to see what my son was doing" "and?" I said as she paused to hear my reply. "What do you mean and?" "Mom you only call at 10am when you want or need something" "that's not true." she said so I pause to see if I would be right. Sure enough, "well I talk to your uncle today." "Ok" "Don't sound to excited." She said, then tells me me how he and her think I need to plan a getaway trip. Which means the family was either in trouble and need to hide their secrets or their was business they wanted me to handle. "Mom I got to go" "Ok baby just call me later." "Bye mom love you" "Love you too baby." I hang up the phone so I could get ready before Deron came over to pick me up. With me standing at 6 feet even and muscular. I looked at myself in the mirror, I smiled and thought dam this roasted caramel skin looks good. I laughed and hoped in the shower. Once I got in I started to wash and day dream about my life. More so my needs, my sexual needs. As I stated to let myself go full into my shower. I hear my phone ring then a knock at the door. I cover my self with just a towel as I head to the door. The knocking gets louder and harder. " I am coming hold on." I said to the person at the door. As I walk to the door noticing I am sill dripping wet from the shower. I look at my phone on my bed it can't be Deron at the door I thought. Still in nothing but my towel I run to answer the door.

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