The Lost Story

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"Donnie, where are you?" "I hear my mother ask me. I'm with Deron and some friends." I responded as I looked at ray smiling like she just hit the lotto jack pot. " well I need you to come to your grandfathers nursing home. He got evicted again." "Dam mom, what he do now" "First boy, watch your mouth. Second you know your grandfather so why ask." As I hang up the phone and head back to Deron's house. I thought to my self please don't let me bust in on him fuckin this girl. Next I knew my phone started to ring again. "Wow mr. Popular you are busy today." Ray said with a laugh. I answered it and heard this voice that not only stoped me in my tracks. It also put a big smile on my face. "Hey is this Donnie?" "This he." I said playing tough. "Oh ok kool, hey did I call at a bad time." I looked over at ray as she was trying so hard not to laugh at me. "Yea, I'm a little busy, but what's up." "Oh my bad I just need to ask you something, but I can ask you later." "Okay I will call you when I am done." I hung up and see Deron and Kim coming my way. "Oh my Romeo, what webs you weave." I hear ray say, I give her this look like to say shut up. Just then she grabs my phone. Right in front of Deron. She puts her number in my phone and saves mines to hers. "Okay that's my bro, I see you." Ray then heads to Deron's car and so did Kim. "Hey bro can you take me to gramps house." "Yeah man, what's wrong?" "He got his ass kicked out again." "Dam again, what grandad pimp do now?" "Who knows, and don't call him that. You know shit blows his head up, and he gets to telling these wild stories." Deron laughs,"My bad man, and you know I love your pop's stories." "Man but how many of them be true." Deron just shook his head." Well ladies I hate to cut our day short but I got to help my bro." Deron said once we got to his car. Kim and ray got out the car and headed to Ray's car. "Too bad Romeo I was just starting to like you." I laughed and said,"I Bet." Ray did the hand sign that means call me later. Deron and I got in the car and headed off. Deron was about to tell me about the sex he just had. When I took out my phone sent a text to my mom. Then made a phone call.

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