Who Are You

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After reading that line I started to think. Am I living two lives and should I really just be honest with my self. No I can't, it's not right. No it's not that it's not right it's just not the time to join my life with my mom and family with the one I live with Ray and Chris. I go on to read, this will be a series of thing I have done in my pass. Things that I will take to my grave or maybe tell someone my secrets when I am on my deathbed. That part hit so hard home I had to slam the book close. I turn to my phone and start to play music off the speakers in my house. Then hear a knock at the door. I look out and see that is just my uncle. I roll my eyes then open the door. "What's good?" "So we don't say names any more or let people in the house."  "Look, now is not a good time." "Why your boyfriend is here or is it the best friend who is a wild fire?" I give him a look like you don't know shit of what you talking about. "No, it's just not a good time. "So you do have a boyfriend?" "Unc you playing too much what do you want." He laughed and said, "Boy I am just playing with you and right now I want to be let in like someone who is welcome." I let him in and walk over to my kitchen counter and try to hide the blunt I rolled last night. "Oh so you do trees now." "Unc look I do what I do in my house. So what do you need I sent you the details about the vaca and I already agreed to go." He stands in front of me with a smirk. Just as he open he is mouth about to say something there is a knock at my door n my phone rings.

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