Darren Not Deron

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As I shook my head laughing again. I make it to my car and get into it. I put the key in the ignition to start it but then stop to think. Why am I so guarded, what makes me feel I can't be. As I think about the answer I remember how when I was young. I played a trick on my mom. More like a test then a trick I told her I was gay. Her husband was not having it. Called me a fag and said he did not raise no fag. Saying I could not be in his house and better not drink off him. To make the pain worse my mother stood by him. Called me a lost soul and that I had a demon in me. She even got me baptized twice. Once that happened I know I could not ever be gay. Even tho I already knew I wasn't. Even with the more then not needed hate coming from my sister that she showed me all the time. I then said no more, no more letting people fully in, no more depending on anyone. I shake my head then start my car heading to Donnie's place. As I thought about him I remember the convo me and Chris had last week after we both left the party. I knew then just what was really going on with him. It made me not like him even more. I thought at first maybe I was just putting to much into it. Then when he stepped up to me when no one was around. I knew then this nigga could not be trusted. I try to call ray as I sat a block away from Donnie's house. She did not answer but text me. Saying, what fuck could I not help you with. I laughed and text  back. Well found a bag of fucks to give with your name on it. P.S where's Donnie? As I pulled into Donnie's place I think back to how I just realized that Chris shoes was the ones I was in Donnie room that day Donnie let me stay over. Question, was why was his shoes there?

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